Wednesday 6 April 2022



What is the best way to disagree with someone?

I like H.L. Mencken’s approach. Mencken was a reporter and writer in Baltimore who did not suffer fools gladly (and who considered much of the public fools). Outraged readers who wrote to H. L. Mencken would receive in reply a preprinted card:

Dear Sir or Madam:

You may be right.

Yours sincerely,

H. L. Mencken


The cone snail; looks pretty, and people pick them up, thinking it’s just a shell, and even if they knew it was a snail, they still wouldn’t worry. The little devil then sticks you with it’s radula, a harpoon like tongue, and a good sized specimen pumps you full of enough poison to kill 4 adults.



Don’t be open to everybody. Not everyone is that deserving.


Never get too attached to anyone. Maintain a certain sense of distance no matter how close you and someone is.


Be aware of your limitations. Know when to stop, before it ruins you. Know when to quit.


Never speak less. Never speak more.


Never trust anyone except the family. Respect and listen to your parents because they are the only real well-wishers of you.


Don’t be too quick to criticize or appreciate someone.


You don’t require validation from others to confirm what you believe in, when you know you are right.


You are ego. How can you shut yourself out?

A human shutting out ego in order to progress spiritually is like a child trying to shut out childhood in order to grow up.

That is not how growing works.

You can’t shut yourself out, but you can grow You can’t shut out your ego, but you can expand beyond it, just like a child grows and expands beyond his childhood. In order to do that, however, you need to be present as who you are. You are ego now - be present as ego.

The more present you are with what is, the more present you are with yourself as you are, right now, the more your presence will deepen and expand, and the more what you are will deepen and expand.




My entire bucket list disappeared that very instant.

“I’m” not doing this. “I’m“ not even writing this.

Where ever Reality chooses to place me next - on a plane to Tahiti, living in the midst of great wealth, speaking to thousands of committed seekers, or lying alone in a gutter ready to drop the body, “I” have no future dreams or designs.

Just an instrument. Totally fulfilled. Totally free.

However, as long as I’m still here, I’d love to hang out with you, and learn from you. :-)


It is only through consciousness that any investigation of the universe can be engaged in, so of course it is integral to the Universe.

Perceiver, perception and percept are inseparable.

Without consciousness there can be no physics, without an observer there is nothing to observe.


C  without an observer there is nothing to observe.

Very true.

According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, observing an object causes it to lose its quantum nature and collapse into the classical form we’re used to. This collapse of the wave function implies that the reality we see exists only when we are there to observe it. And an observer does not merely observe reality; she creates it.

If left to themselves, things would remain as waves until somebody observed them. Einstein, who could not reconcile himself with this, summed up the strangeness of quantum physics when he asked a friend, “Do you believe the Moon exists only when I look at it?”


C  “It is only through consciousness that any investigation of the universe can be engaged in, so of course it is integral to the Universe.” —Rami Siven

That is an undemonstrated assertion; it is true that “only through consciousness [can] any investigation of the universe be engaged in,” but that just means that consciousness is necessary for there to be an “investigation” of the universe; the reality of the universe’s existence is independent of whether the universe is “investigated.”

“Perceiver, perception and percept are inseparable.” —Rami Siven

It is true that there can be no conscious perception of the universe in the absence of a conscious perceiver, but the physical reality of the universe needeth not conscious perception in order for the universe to physically exist.

“Without consciousness there can be no physics, without an observer there is nothing to observe.” —Rami Siven

Whether there can be “physics” without consciousness depends on how one defines physics. If “physics” is defined as “the branch of natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time” (that is, as an academic focus of cognitively conscious investigation), THAT indeed requires consciousness. But the physical reality of dynamic mass/energy in spacetime needeth not consciousness for the universe to physically exist.

“Without an observer there is nothing to observe.” —Shruti Singh

Not true; the physical reality of dynamic mass/energy in spacetime needeth not consciousness to physically exist.

In short, in the absence of consciousness the dynamic physical universe MAY or may NOT physically exist; only cognitive KNOWLEDGE of an existential physical universe requires consciousness.



vedic string theory









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