Sunday 24 November 2019


"MASTER: “Everything depends on the will of God. The world is His play. He has created all these different things—great and small, strong and weak, good and bad, virtuous and vicious. This is all His māyā, His sport. You must have observed that all the trees in a garden are not of the same kind."

“But house, wife, and children are all transitory; they have only a momentary existence. The palm-tree alone is real. One or two fruits have dropped off. Why lament? “God is engaged in three kinds of activity: creation, preservation, and destruction. Death is inevitable. All will be destroyed at the time of dissolution

Then he said: “What can you do? Be ready for Death. Death has entered the house. You must fight him with the weapon of God’s holy name. God alone is the Doer BHHB

It is māyā that deludes. Only a few become spiritually awakened and are not deluded by the spell of māyā. They do not come under the control of ‘woman and gold’.

Bound souls, worldly people, are like silk-worms. The worms can cut through their cocoons if they want, but having woven the cocoons theMselves, they are too much attached to them to leave them. And so they die there.

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