Sunday 24 November 2019


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24 God is the All-doer, the Gnani a Non-doer

25. Hold onto ‘I am’

 26. Personality, an Obstacle

 27. The Beginningless Begins Forever

 28. All Suffering is Born of Desire

 29. Living is Life’s only Purpose

 30. You are Free NOW

31. Do not Undervalue Attention

32. Life is the Supreme Guru

33. Everything Happens by Itself

34. Mind is Restlessness Itself

 35. Greatest Guru is Your Inner Self

36. Killing Hurts the Killer, not the Killed

 37. Beyond Pain and Pleasure there is Bliss

 38. Spiritual Practice is Will Asserted and Re-asserted

39. By Itself Nothing has Existence

 40. Only the Self is Real

41. Develop the Witness Attitude

42. Reality can not be Expressed

 43. Ignorance can be Recognized, not Gnana

 44. ‘I am’ is True, all else is Inference

45. What Comes and Goes has no Being

 46. Awareness of Being is Bliss

47. Watch your Mind

 48. Awareness is Free

 49. Mind Causes Insecurity

 50. Self-awareness is the Witness

 51. Be Indifferent to Pain and Pleasure

52. Being Happy, Making Happy is the Rhythm of Life

 53. Desires Fulfilled, Breed More Desires

54. Body and Mind are Symptoms of Ignorance

 55. Give up All and You Gain All

 56. Consciousness Arising, World Arises

57. Beyond Mind, there is no Suffering
58. Perfection, Destiny of All 271 59. Desire and Fear: Self-centred States 276 60. Live Facts, not Fancies 281 61. Matter is Consciousness Itself 285 62. In the Supreme the Witness Appears 291 63. Notion of Doership is Bondage 297 64. Whatever Pleases you, Keeps you Back 300 65. A Quiet Mind is All You Need 307 66. All Search for Happiness is Misery 312 67. Experience is not the Real Thing 320 68. Seek the Source of Consciousness 325 69. Transiency is Proof of Unreality 329 70. God is the End of All Desire and Knowledge 335 71. In Self-awareness you Learn about Yourself 341 72. What is Pure, Unalloyed, Unattached is Real 348 73. Death of the Mind is Birth of Wisdom 357 74. Truth is Here and Now 364 75. In Peace and Silence you Grow 372 76. To Know that You do not Know, is True Knowledge 378 77. ‘I’ and ‘Mine’ are False Ideas 386 78. All Knowledge is Ignorance 390 79. Person, Witness and the Supreme 397 80. Awareness 402 81. Root Cause of Fear 408 82. Absolute Perfection is Here and Now 414 83. The True Guru 421 84. Your Goal is Your Guru 428 85. ‘I am’: The Foundation of all Experience 435 86. The Unknown is the Home of the Real 441 87. Keep the Mind Silent and You shall Discover 449 88. Knowledge by the Mind, not True Knowledge 453 89. Progress in Spiritual Life 459 90. Surrender to Your Own Self 463 91. Pleasure and Happiness

92. Go Beyond the I-am-the-body Idea 475 93. Man is not the Doer 480 94. You are Beyond Space and Time 484 95. Accept Life as it Comes 490 96. Abandon Memories and Expectations 495 97. Mind and the World are not Separate 500 98. Freedom from Self-identification 508 99. The Perceived can not be the Perceiver 515 100. Understanding leads to Freedom 522 101. Gnani does not Grasp, nor Hold 

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