Monday 4 November 2019

B I recently got a dog ( a few years ago) and had some sadness realizing a dog's life is so short, especially after a dog I knew and loved passed. I meditated on the topic and realized that the only thing you can do is live life the fullest now and give all the love and care to those now you can and to let a being energy in, penetrate you and reflect the goodness out into the world. Getting attached to physical forms or the love loss doesn't make a difference

I recently got a dog ( a few years ago) and had some sadness realizing a dog's life is so short, especially after a dog I knew and loved passed. I meditated on the topic and realized that the only thing you can do is live life the fullest now and give all the love and care to those now you can and to let a being energy in, penetrate you and reflect the goodness out into the world. Getting attached to physical forms or the love loss doesn't make a difference

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