Monday 1 July 2019

B Buddhist dharma is an excellent system of thought not just because of its unique dharmas or doctrines about self and world, and not just because it does not rely on gods or mythology, but because the dharmas work together as a comprehensive theoretical system that explains both self and world, based on a unified foundational theory about the nature of reality.

Buddhist dharma is an excellent system of thought not just because of its unique dharmas or doctrines about self and world, and not just because it does not rely on gods or mythology, but because the dharmas work together as a comprehensive theoretical system that explains both self and world, based on a unified foundational theory about the nature of reality.

Buddhism offered a unified theory about self and world, and within that unified system of thought, it also offered an ethics for how to relate to self and world. It offered a system of ethics, based on a foundational theory about the nature of reality, which was integrated into its unified theory of self/world. Western sciences and philosophy do not offer an ethics that is integrated with its many views of self and world.

Buddhism offered a unified theory about self and world, and system of ethics for relating to self/world, and it did one more thing: it offered a profound explanation of personal human suffering (but not social) and offered some kind of solution. It said, “your personal suffering is real and it matters” and offered a practice that provided relief. Buddhism is to be commended for that. Furthermore, Buddhist dharma integrated its explanation of personal suffering into a unified theory about human nature, integrated with its unified system of self and world..

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