Sunday 30 December 2018


No system of thought can provide direct access to Empty Fullness for any-body. Experience is constructed via the mental thought system, that uses the mind of a body-mind, to convince that it is a separate individual entity that is uniquely individuated from every-body and every-thing else, when that is not what's happening.
🕉That is not what's happening, since there is not two of any-thing. There is no separation of every-thing as Empty Fullness. This and that is seemingly so, despite how the self-conjured constructs of duality prevent glimpses of the fact that there has been, is, and will always simply be this, as Empty Fullness.
🕉That is so, regardless of how a self-conjured self has be-come deluded by the manufacturing of its own self-conjured conjurings as dreamings of self-conjured humanly-based constructs, as it seemingly continues to deny that that is so.
🕉All this and that dualities, are seemingly not so, due to the delusional self-conjured conjurings from a self-conjured conjured self, that consistently self-perpetuates conjurings, despite how and why the separate sense of a self-conjured conjured self, cannot be so easily self-convinced, that it is a fallen victim of its own self-conjured conjurings, in denial of blindly accepting all self-conjured conjurings of ideas and human constructs, as a separate sense of self, that is reinforced by firm beliefs, as a self-perpetuated self-conjured conjured self, that is seemingly existing within a dream-like reality of self-conjured human constructs of its own design.

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