Tuesday 25 December 2018


Pearls to improve patient outcomes • Patients with corneal abrasions, ulcers, and corneal foreign bodies are all treated with antibiotics and should see an ophthalmologist within 24 hours. • Contact lens wearers with corneal abrasions or patients with corneal ulcers (regardless of contact lens use) require antipseudomonal antibiotic coverage and should be advised to refrain from wearing their contacts until they are cleared to do so by an ophthalmologist. • Provide systemic corticosteroids to patients with severe throat pain due to GAS pharyngitis in order to hasten symptomatic improvement. • Consider peritonsillar abscess in patients with a sore throat affecting only one side. • When patients have throat pain that is out of proportion to the physical findings, consider retropharyngeal abscess and epiglottitis. • Admit patients with posterior and bilateral anterior packing for control of nosebleeds.

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