Wednesday 25 July 2018


Van Lommel classified the experiences his patients reported by type:92 Out-of-body experience (OBE). This is an experience of floating outside one’s own body, while retaining one’s identity and a very clear consciousness. Most patients report looking down from above. As we have seen, in some cases, patients have reported information that was later verified. Holographic life review. In the popular phrase, “I felt my whole life passing before my eyes.” As van Lommel describes it: All that has been done and thought seems to be significant and stored. Insight is obtained about whether love was given or on the contrary withheld. Because one is connected with the memories, emotions and consciousness of another person, you experience the consequences of 158 the spiritual brain your own thoughts, words and actions to that other person at the very moment in the past that they occurred.93 Encounter with deceased relatives or friends. Deceased persons are recognized by their remembered appearance, but communication appears to be through direct transfer of thoughts.94 Return to the body. Some patients learn, through wordless communication with a Being of Light or a deceased relative that they ought to return to life, especially if they have a task to fulfill. This choice, advice, or command is often carried out reluctantly. Disappearance of fear of death. Almost every near-death experiencer (NDEr) loses the fear of death. This is partly because experiencers expect to survive death, but also because they experience love and acceptance rather than condemnation and uncertainty. The life review is not an external expression of divine wrath but a requirement that they experience the true outcomes of their choices. Generally, NDErs come from different religious backgrounds but have very similar experiences. 

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