Saturday 24 March 2018

We human beings rely on our discriminating intellect. How arrogant we are! ‘This is mine; this is what I deserve; credit should come here; this is the way it should be.’ We compare and contrast, and in so doing shrink our world to something very small. We get so down on ourselves, feel so very sorry for ourselves. Or, in turn, we are proud of ourselves. We wonder why the world doesn’t turn as we think it should. We become so dark and down, and then we joke in order to cover our insecurities. Lost in ‘self’ we can’t help wondering: ‘Where is the value of this, what am I doing this for?’ We wonder if there is any meaning in what we are doing.

We human beings rely on our discriminating intellect. How arrogant we are! ‘This is mine; this is what I deserve; credit should come here; this is the way it should be.’ We compare and contrast, and in so doing shrink our world to something very small. We get so down on ourselves, feel so very sorry for ourselves. Or, in turn, we are proud of ourselves. We wonder why the world doesn’t turn as we think it should. We become so dark and down, and then we joke in order to cover our insecurities. Lost in ‘self’ we can’t help wondering: ‘Where is the value of this, what am I doing this for?’ We wonder if there is any meaning in what we are doing.

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