Thursday 1 March 2018

How much exercise you really need to manage diabetes 150. That's how many minutes of exercise people with type 2 diabetes should accumulate each week, according to a report published in the December 2010 journals Diabetes Care and Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise. That's about 20 minutes per day, and according to the experts who published the paper, moderate—not vigorous—activity still counts, and it can even be broken up into smaller 10-minute bursts that fit more easily into your day.

How much exercise you really need to manage diabetes 

150. That's how many minutes of exercise people with type 2 diabetes should accumulate each week, according to a report published in the December 2010 journals Diabetes Care and Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise. That's about 20 minutes per day, and according to the experts who published the paper, moderate—not vigorous—activity still counts, and it can even be broken up into smaller 10-minute bursts that fit more easily into your day. 

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