Sunday 25 February 2018


Major Brain Areas Where Pain Is Processed

Somatosensory 1 and 2 (the sensory maps for our body parts): Pain; touch, temperature sense, pressure sense, position sense, vibration sense, sensation of movement

Prefrontal Area: Pain; executive function, creativity, planning, empathy, action, emotional balance, intuition

Anterior Cingulate: Pain; emotional self-control, sympathetic control, conflict detection, problem solving

Posterior Parietal Lobe: Pain; sensory, visual, auditory perception; mirror neurons (neurons that fire when we see other people move), internal location of stimuli, location of external space

Supplementary Motor Area: Pain; planned movement, mirror neurons

Amygdala: Pain; emotion, emotional memory, emotional response, pleasure, sight, smell, emotional extremes

 Insula: Pain; quiets the amygdala (the brain area just above); temperature, itch, empathy, emotional self-awareness, sensual touch, connects emotion with bodily sensation, mirror neurons, disgust

Posterior Cingulate: Pain; visuospatial cognition, autobiographical memory retrieval Hippocampus: Helps to store pain memories

Orbital Frontal Cortex: Pain; evaluates whether something is pleasant vs. unpleasant, empathy, understanding, emotional attunement

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