Sunday, 22 December 2024






I have been researching this subject for 50 years. I am NOT religious, never was. I was an atheist when I was young. I am very science oriented, I am also highly spiritual.

It makes no sense to me that I live a short life (say... 90 years, which is short when compared with eternity) and then my awareness of self and everything I have learned goes poof, ga-zapp, I'm gone, nothing, as though I never existed. If I become nothing I will never know that I ever was. So what's the point of being self-aware for a short period of time for it all to disappear when the body dies? I am always thinking, I'm going to die one day and I will become nothing. What a comforting thought. I'm going to die, one day, and become nothing. Why should I torture myself everyday, by living, if I know I am going to die and become nothing? Wouldn't it make more sense if I remained nothing, never became something, and that would be great for all eternity because I would never be self-aware and never know anything?

I am saying, there is no point to being self-aware if one day you won't and you will be nothing. In other words, it is illogical to be self-aware, then not be self-aware and become nothing. And because I believe this is illogical, it's not true.

By the way, I have also learned there is no such thing as nothing. Nothing doesn't exist. There is only existence.... period. The opposite state of existence is nothing, but nothing doesn't exist. There is no pre-existence or post existence. Both imply nothing, and nothing doesn't exist. You can't take something and turn it into nothing, and you can't take nothing and turn it into something. You can take something, however, and turn it into something else. If nothing exists, then then nothing is something, and nothing doesn’t exist. There is only something... and that's it. I've been thinking about this concept for fifty years. Once again.... there is no such thing as nothing. Nothing doesn't exist. I cannot emphasize this concept enough.

The other side of the coin is we are self-aware for eternity, only our physical bodies die, and our past bodies are not that important. And although we have super compassion and love for the people we care about who are still living on Earth, we also know that they, too, will shed their physical bodies and be back with us in the afterlife. So.... what's the problem? Once we get back to the afterlife all of our past memories of our entire existence come back and we are whole souls, once again. And we repeat this cycle until we have learned, what I call the nine major lessons. And they are love, compassion, compersion, courage, humility, honesty, forgiveness, patience, and trust. And figure it's going to take many, many human lives to learn them. And when you get to the point where you have learned all of these lessons, you will be a highly advanced soul and you won't need to reincarnate any longer. Then you can really get into the cool stuff the afterlife has to offer. That's what I'm interested in doing in my future.


voodoo curseThe patient was convinced he was going to die, because the voodoo priest had put a hex on him. The hex only worked because he (and others in his culture) believed voodoo to be true—it wasn’t the voodoo that had hexed him; it was the belief in the voodoo


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