Saturday, 2 November 2024

BK. We are all blossoms in the tree of life of GON




Advaita thus reveals the reality of the self, of "I AM." This Self-knowledge is the resolution of all our problems, conflicts, stress, anxiety, and agitation. There are no more issues to resolve once one has returned to one's true nature.

Time and space are illusions. Everything exists at the same time. We only see what we are tuned to the vibration of to see.

As we change our ideas, we change our vibrations, we start to see a different world, literally. Because we have shifted our consciousness, our focus, to a different version of Earth that exists simultaneously with the version we were on a moment ago. And we are experiencing literally, bit by bit, whether fast or slow, a progression through different versions of Earth.

So the change has to be made within the person. They may for a while still be able to see and observe the version of Earth that they are no longer really strongly connected to, but that will change over time.

It's not that the world they were on changes, it's that what changes is their ability to still perceive that world as opposed to perceiving one that's now more in alignment with the vibrational frequencies they have changed within themselves.”
― Darryl Anka


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