Friday, 21 June 2024

meditation increases blood flow to the prefrontal cortex,



Neural tissue consumes lots of energy, so big brains must surely have brought benefits to the few species that evolved them. But what?

An answer to this puzzle is beginning to emerge. It looks like brain expansion began as an evolutionary accident and then led to changes that caused this growth to spiral. Surprisingly, the sorts of changes that drove this expansion could also explain a more recent 10 per cent reduction in human brain size. What’s more, this suggests our brains may shrink further still – and might even cause humanity’s demise.


Obied and others are making the case for an extra dimension that is radically unlike any we have concocted previously. This “dark dimension” would conceal particles from the dawn of time that could solve the mystery of dark matter, whose gravitational pull is thought to have shaped the cosmos. Crucially, it should also be relatively…


Once you are beyond your associations to this material world and you are in the unified field—chock-full of infinite possibilities—biological systems exist for taking that energy that’s beyond the vibration of matter and turning it into imagery in the brain. That’s where the pineal gland comes in,



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