Thursday 24 November 2022

J know abt pain. It does not go away. But it gets better

Krishnamurti called it 'choiceless awareness'. To overcome your anava mala,
you focus on the space beyond thought. Strictly speaking if you become
absolutely thought-free you will pass into a trance, a blank or sleep. Really,
you don't have to eliminate all thoughts, simply pay no attention to the
content of thought, and aim for the context of all thought, the background,
that is, Consciousness. Thoughts can continue to play, but you should keep
your focus on the space beyond thought, the space that contains thought,
the witness of thought. The aspirant in shaktopaya tries to watch only pure
and noble programmes on his television set. The aspirant in shambhavopaya A j am bad. J am sorry 
wants no programmes at all; he likes the empty screen.

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