Thursday 10 November 2022


 People often feel that God is forsaking them, but remember God has not forsaken anyone. His power is constantly in the fontanel, and He always does everything for you. Love Him before, after and while performing actions. He is the sole doer. So, watch Him. He gives you assurance and courage, “ I am always with you, and I am not gone.” This is the light you perceive inside. Watch Him and pray, “O Father, how long You will keep me as a foolish child ? Like a fool I remain in this world and forget You. You are doing everything through me, and still I always think that I am doing everything, yet I am nothing but a manifestation of Your love and compassion.”

- - - Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji Maharaj - - -
I want to tear down the exceptional preeminence now generally awarded to the self, and I pledge to be spurred on by concrete certainty, and not the caprice of an ideological ambush or a dazzling intellectual prank. I propose to prove that personality is a mirage maintained by conceit and custom, without metaphysical foundation or visceral reality. I want to apply to literature the consequences that issue from these premises, and erect upon them an aesthetic hostile to the psychologism inherited from the last century, sympathetic to the classics, yet encouraging to today’s most unruly tendencies.


“Non-duality” in Advaita Vedanta is totally different from “non-duality” in Buddhism because the former is discovered from Samadhi, while the latter is discovered from Vipassana.

“Non-duality” from Samadhi versus “Non-duality” from Vipassana
“Non-duality” in Advaita Vedanta is totally different from “non-duality” in Buddhism
because the former is discovered from Samadhi, while the latter is discovered from
Vipassana. Buddha didn’t attain enlightenment after achieving the fourth jhana and
even the highest formless jhana, until he realized the role of Vipassana six years later.
The nature of Samadhi is perception shutting down to activate a new mode of
apperceiving, one totally different from the usual five sense mode of perception. That’s
why one feels that everything in daily life disappears and he and the universe assimilate
each other in Samadhi.
Therefore, in Advaita Vedanta, Samadhi would lead to the insight of nondifference of
subject and object, and the unity of Atman and Brahman.
The nature of Vipassana is enhanced awareness induced in meditation (after Samadhi),
which makes contemplating the five aggregates possible, just like “watching” a slowmotion film.
If we regard each aggregate as an “awareness” which is the state of being conscious of
something, then contemplating the five aggregates would reveal the existence of
“awareness of awareness”, and discern that it arises a moment after each aggregate and
they do not appear simultaneously.
Thus, one may realize that the notion that there is a constant self experiencing/observing 



Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet. -Vietnamese proverb


Grief is an act of protest that declares our refusal to live numb and small. Grief is alive and wild, unable to be domesticated and a necessary emotion that is necessary to the vitality of the soul.”

– Francis Weller


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