Wednesday 26 October 2022

Mind is for perception of data. EB.

Intellect Viveka is to analyse. Discriminate  processing.  Understanding 

Ego. Aham. Raga Dwesa. I like. I dislike
Ego also has a survival advantage in evo terms 

Drama is because of the misuse of the I 

Animal run by Nature. Food and Sex. No prarabdha karma

Human has Viveka. Free will. Choice. 

My free will and choice now will dictate my Agami Karma 

Agami kal Amat Agami karma 

My bad. My Sanchita karma. Don’t know when it will sprout 

It coming my way is Karma

Whether I add manure to it to grow is my Reaction 

Eg. To meet this person is my karma

Intense dislike arises

Not to React to that fire is my Free Will

That is Destiny v Free Will

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