Wednesday 12 October 2022

Body In my awareness. Bima SSPA

Thoughts in my awareness. Tima 

Awareness is not in my body

Body is in my awareness 

Things Events are waves in my Consciousness 

Time Space are In Awareness Consciouness

Sushupti. Blankness experienced by Awareness Consciousness 

This world as we see know feel is Consciousness itself

The most directly available thing to me is Awareness Consciousness 

Promisory Materialism.  Scientists have made up their mind. Reality is all matter. HPOC


For Advaita. Consciousness is not a problem. Universe is problem.  Explained by Maya

Sankhya.  Consciousness xUniverse. Interact.  Both separate 

Advaita. Consciousness alone.  Universe is as wave in ocean. That is Maya

Birth.  Gain. Loss. Death. Are just events like waves in ocean.  Does not affect the Ocean of Consciousness 

Boat.  Ocean.  Dream cinema.  3 steps of Ashtavakra Gita

Universe gains value from Consciousness ECB

Dharma Artha. Kama. Moksha

SPJM.   Sthitapragya.  Jivanmukta 

I know where the shoe pinches.  Envy.  Jealousy. 

Science stops at neuronal activity.  Science stops at matter

Advaita carries on as Vritti 

Dreamers mind.  Consciousness.   Universe Waking world.  Brahman satya.  Jagat Mithya

Advaitin saying that you are Consciousness wearing a Body

Every being and thing has borrowed existence 

All effects are born exist and disappear into cause

No pot outside of the clay

Effect is not a second thing from the cause 

Vedantic langg.  Cause real.  Effect unreal.  Brahman satya. Jagat mithya 

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