Wednesday 12 October 2022

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Either you run the day or the day runs you. 

~ Jim Rohn


My thoughts on rebirth-

When you say person A is reborn as person B, what does it exactly means?

It means you are identifying both the persons with some base thing which doesn't change. Only then you can say that the unchanging base was person A and later became person B.

The unchanging base is atman which is impersonal. So in that sense we cannot say person B is related to person A in any way.

The mind gets transferred from one birth to next, but the indivdual ego developed from that mind is different everytime.

Now there are cases when person B remebers his pastlife, that is because of memory. Memory gives the illusion of continuity, that some separate self is moving from one life to another.

So my conclusion is there is rebirth of mind, but the two illusory selves created from these two minds in the two births are different.


🌷​​Goal of Worship : Moksha🌷

Among the eighty-four lakh life forms, the human form is considered to be the best ,Shri Adi Shankaracharya Ji Maharaj has repeated this in 'Viveka Chudamani' many times.

He has repeated the same in his self-produced 'Prasthanatrayībhāṣya' where he says :

"The man who makes no efforts for self-liberation even after attaining birth as a human, education and ability, kills himself by enjoying the perishable objects."

Therefore, everyone must definitely make efforts for self-liberation. Among the four goals of life, Mokṣa is the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal of a human being is Mokṣa. To achieve this goal, our Shaastras have recommended many means and ways of worshipping, though the goal of all of them is same. Due to differences in interests and adoring God and capabilities, the paths taken by various individuals can be different. Welfare of everyone is conducive to the highest good if all people worship according to their family and Guru tradition. Ordinarily, people worship their most favoured deities through devotion or prayers; the Panchayatana worship system also exists. In addition, special worship methods such as Gayatri worship, Gaṇeśa worship and Śrī Chakra worship have been described in many places.

Description of Vaidika forms of worship such as Udgīthopāsanā, Upakosalavidya, Pañcagnividya, Samvargavidya, Madhuvidya, Sandilyavidya, Paryankopāsana and, Agnividya are available in Upanisads. However, those worships are generally hard to see these days.

Tantrika worship also consists of many types of worship. The well-known practitioners of such worship used to live in various places in the past. They also used to attain special powers. Even now this worship is found in some places but men accomplished in it, are found rarely.

This knowledge was kept secret with a view to preserve it and ensure its proper use. However, due this reason and the increasing unbelief in the society, such worships are on the decline.

The truth is that the goal of worship is attainment of 'Mokṣa'. 

May Bhagavan provide bliss and welfare to all the worshippers and practitioners.

~ Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Sri Abhinava Sachchidananda Tirthji Maharaja of Dwaraka Sharada Peetham 

SOURCE : Kalyana KalpaTaru Upasana Ank (October 2020), Gitapress Gorakhpur





Parents are at the core of our being, with Rishis forming the basis of their gotras, Brahmaji is at their crux, while Shriman Narayana is in His essence.

~ Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nischalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj





•Value of Nama Japa-

Sri Shankara Bhagavadpada said  "Chant the holy name of Bhagavan (Lord) as much as you can even if you can not perform any other rituals of Vedas."

Vedas have prescribed many Rituals and Practices, you might not be able to perform all of them.

However, what's stopping you from chanting the name of the Lord?

If you say NO, you are just cheating yourself.

Have you concluded that chanting Holy Names is of lesser value?

Holy names are of immense value and importance.

Sri Rama's name is described as-

"When we open our mouths to say 'RA' , the papas(sins) inside us will go out.The papas that went out will not go back inside when we close our mouths to say 'MA' "

Such is the glory of holy names.

~Importance of Bhagavan Nama Japa by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswami ji delivered at the Pravachana Mandiram at Sringeri.




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