Saturday 22 October 2022






Whatever you make up your mind to do, you must be able to carry out. So many people make themselves helpless by wrong habits. Get away from those persons who influence you to do evil. The helplessness you feel is caused by no one but yourself. Your weak mind is being pulled backward by the very cords that you have tied to bad habits. Most people are self-hypnotized by their environment and wrong habits and by strong tendencies and moods brought with them from past lives. It is an insult to your mind and to the image of God within to allow yourself to be hypnotized by these limitations. You must break your bad habits and develop the power of mind by which you can command your own life.
- - - Paramahamsa Yoganandaji Maharaj- - -





scarlet robin


We mentioned earlier that there are worlds, and even whole galaxies, where one or another of the three gunas predominates. People may ask with seeming reasonableness, “How can even a master know anything about distant galaxies?” The answer is that in samadhi, he is already there! Once the ego has been transcended, the only real barrier to omnipresence is demolished.
The residents of sattwic galaxies live an ideal, though still material, existence. They live long lives amid beautiful surroundings. The veil between the material and the astral universes is easily pierced.
The rajasic galaxies are like our own, filled with beings who strive incessantly to fulfill their desires. Such galaxies abound with restlessness, dissatisfaction, and anxiety. Their inhabitants “have it good,” however, compared to those in the tamasic galaxies, where ferocious beasts prowl in ceaseless search of prey, and cannibalism among human beings is common. There, all is warfare, conflict, violent emotions, primitive conditions, and mental dullness

Śrīla Prabhupāda said:
Actually, God has a form. Why not? The Vedanta-sutra says, janmady asya yatah: [Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 1:1:1] "The Supreme Absolute Truth is that from whom or from which everything emanates." Now, we have forms. And not only we but all the different kinds of living entities have forms. Wherefrom have they come? Wherefrom have these forms originated? These are very commonsense questions. If God is not a person, then how have His sons become persons? If my father is not a person, how have I become a person? If my father has no form, wherefrom did I get my form? Nonetheless, when people are frustrated, when they see that their bodily forms are troublesome, they develop an opposite conception of form, and they imagine that God must be formless. But the Brahma Saṁhitā says no. God has a form, but His form is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss (isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah [Śrī Brahma Saṁhitā: 5:1]). Sat means "eternity," cit means "knowledge," and ananda means "pleasure." So God has a form, but His form is full of pleasure, full of knowledge, and eternal.
The Journey of Self-Discovery-His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda


Britain now less like the US or Germany and more like ITALY, GREECE to lenders says ex-Bank boss Charlie Bean as he claims it is 'disingenuous' for UK politicians to claim economic turmoil is a 'global phenomenon'


Sri Krishna is Purusha and Radha is Prakriti- SRKKA

(14:14) A person who, at death, has sattwa predominant in him rises to those high regions where dwell the knowers of truth.
The moment of death is all-important in everybody’s life. Therefore Krishna devotes many stanzas of the Bhagavad Gita to that sacred moment.
One’s thoughts at that time reflect the kind of life he has lived. He must, however, make an extra effort then to keep his consciousness uplifted. Even masters, who always know the hour of their own death, quite commonly experience a certain trepidation in the stark awareness that everything they have known in this life will soon be snatched away from them irrevocably. This doesn’t mean they are attached. It would be truer to say that they have simply become accustomed.



Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way. © Booker Washington


⚜️The man’s desire for God realization never perishes, though he may not accept and know it. He has a desire from this heart to be completely happy, free from all bondages and distresses. This is the desire for God realization. This desire is certainly satisfied, because this is the real and true desire of a creature.

⚜️Being a slave to perishable things is the main reason that does not allow us to turn to the imperishable. To consider money as the greatest of all, is the sign of a deluded intellect.

⚜️"It should happen this way, it should not happen this way" – in this outlook, there are all sorrows. If there is anything that you desire from the world, then you will have to experience suffering.

~Swami Ramsukhdas


SIMPLE LIVING AND HIGH THINKING 🌿Kindly develop faith in the Vedas and in the power of Mantras. Practise Japa and Meditation daily. Take Sattvic food. Do not overload the stomach. 🌿Obey the laws of nature. Take plenty of physical exercise daily. Perform the prescribed duties at the appointed time. Develop simple living and high thinking. You will realise God in this very birth. 🌿May you remember the Holy Names of the Lord at all times and live in an ocean of divine ecstasy and divine communion! May you prosper gloriously! ~Swami Sivananda


“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” ― Carl Gustav Jung

Sri Ramakrishna used to say to the DivineMother "Mother, another day is gone and I havenot seen Thee!"


Every night before you go to bed, think for awhile how much time you have spent in doing gooddeeds, how much again in doing useless things; how much time you have utilised in meditation andhow much you have wasted in idleness. Makeyour mind strong through Tapasya f austerity) and Brahmacharya (continence) .

Death of ego is the birth of the soul.

Now one knows thoughts, dreams and reality are not different there is no distinction because awareness can't distinguish.

Happiness is Advaita - non-dual. Mind is misery. Life is only happiness. Happiness is climate.


What is this life? If death comes and takes it, what is this life? What meaning does it carry if one is so impotent against death?

Remember, after birth everybody is on his deathbed. There is no other way. Because after birth only one thing is certain, and that is death.

Now there is no ego - there's a real-life, authentic life, which is beyond death. Because ‘ego' knows death and soul is eternal.


How difficult is the attainment of a human birth! Yet it is only in this human birth that God-realisation is possible. Strive hard in this life and reach that state from which you will not have to comeback.


Every line of the Hanuman Chalisa is a Mahamantra.

🌿Even if a person hurts you, give him love. The worst punishment is to throw someone out of your heart. You should love everyone as God, and love each other. If you cannot love each other, you cannot achieve your goal.

🌿See all women as mothers, serve them as your mother. When you see the entire world as the mother, the ego falls away.

🌿The whole universe is our home and everyone residing in it belongs to our family. Instead of trying to see God in a particular appearance, it is better to see him in everything.

🌿The best service you can do is to keep your thoughts on God. Keep God in mind every minute. Keep God in your heart like you keep money in the bank.

~Neem Karoli Baba




Evidently we are born with evil Samskaras (impressions) and these stand in the way of our spiritual progress.


The word Vishnu (विष्णु) comes from the Dhatu Vish (विष) which means to enter or to cover.

The word Vishnu originates from the below Samasa:

व्याप्नोति विषतिवा सर्वं इति विष्णुः

Vyapnoti Vishativa Sarvam Iti Vishnuhu

Meaning: The one who surrounds (or is outside) everything and inside everything

This is how the name Vishnu originates according to Samskritum.


Practise Japam at dead of night. If you cannot do it at that time, do it during the early hours of the morning. Perform Purascharana*. Do not waste your valuable time any more. Lose yourself in prayer and meditation. All inner *Usually it implies regular Japam or the repetition of the name of the Deity a prescribed number of times, followed by Homa and other ceremonies. Additional Jtipam is also permissible in place of these ceremonies.





So jdols are just as good as Sky-guys if you are seeking service and benefits.


In purely mental Japam the Mantram (name of the Deity) is to be repeated without moving the lips.


Ofcourse, by worshipping the Supreme goddess Durga you are worshipping the Tridevas as she is Brahma rupini(Lalitha sahasranama 265th name), Govinda Rupini (Lalitha sahasranama 267th name) and Rudra Rupini (Lalitha sahasranama 269th name)

Further looking at Narada Purana

The person who always worships Goddess Kāli, has actually worshipped Devatās like Brahmā,Viṣṇu, Śiva, Gaurī, Lakśmī, Ganapatī and Suryā(Ravī).

-Nāradā Purāṇa 3.85.34



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