Wednesday 29 December 2021


 According to experts, doing daily exercise can help your body’s natural defence system to fight infections.





Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.


Being appears to be having a dream of ‘separateness.’

(“Our” dream-minds exist only inside Being’s dream of separateness, so ‘mind’ can never step outside and ‘witness’ Being dreaming it, nor comprehend ‘why,’ any ‘purpose’ or ‘cause’ for Being dreaming this. So don’t try to get this with “your” mind.:-) 🤔

Obviously, a successful dream of ‘separateness’ would not work without awareness appearing to be located in ‘each’ of the ten-trillion ‘separate entities.’ If “dream-I” thought its awareness was not only in “me,” but in you and you and “you” and this tree and that Sun…oops, the dream-illusion of ‘separateness collapses instantly.😍

Back into just Oneness, Being.

Which is precisely what happens (appears to happen) in ‘liberation.’

Collapsing back into the natural reality, What Is, it’s not that “my self” awareness is now experienceable in ‘other’ locations as well as my own body-mind.

It’s that there is no “self” awareness is happening to.

The dreamer awakens, and everything looks the same, except there is no longer a “self” to whom it looks that way. Just what’s happening. All at once. To no one.


Let’s try to understand whether or not Self is an illusion

Someone can tell you that The Self, The Ego, The Mind are all illusions, but it is quite unlikely that a rational mind be a able to accept that. You can believe them, but I strongly suggest not to believe anything that’s not your experience. When you go for a morning walk, go close to a gum tree, touch it , it will touch you back, your brain will know that you are touching the tree. Touch a flower, you will sense it’s touch, smell it you will feel pleasant. Climb up a wall and jump, the gravity will tell you your reality by pulling you back towards it, thereby proving that you belong to the earth. Every thing around you that you can see, touch, feel is declaring loud and clear that you are there. So how are you an illusion ?

Let me try to explain what people mean when they say Self is an illusion. I will then let you decide whether Self is an illusion or not -

Take are rope and tie a knot in it. Look closely at the knot. Does the knot exist ? Yeah it does, Does the knot have any existence of it’s own, separate from the rope ? Can it exist without the rope ?

This is the reality of Human Ego, this is the reality of mind. The human mind is a knot in the Universe, It’s just the Universe, just a quaint twist in time and space. Just like you can feel the knot in the rope, you can sense your mind. Once the knot is untied all that remains is the rope. When the mind vanishes, whether by death or by Enlightenment, the cosmos remains in it purity.

On a windy day, go to a beach and watch the waves rising in the sea. What is a wave ? Does a wave really exist ? The wind makes a wave rise it lives for a short moment , the sea then pulls it back into itself. Does the wave exist ? Well, it does, it sure does. A wave is a structure on the surface of the sea, it rises, lives for sometime and then falls, goes back into the sea. It has a life, probably a few moments then it becomes the sea again. A wave does exist, a strong, a Tsunami is powerful enough to destroy a city, kill people. Go deep down into the sea, What do you find there ? Just the vastness, just water, depth, is there any wave there ? Nah, there’s nothing, just depth, deep silence. Would you say a wave is illusion? This is the mind, the Self, the Ego. It’s a wave on the surface of the vast cosmos and small disturbance is the silence of eternity.

You fill the ice tray with water and put it in the freezer, a few hours later it becomes ice. The form changes, water crystallizes into ice. What is ice ? Essentially it is water in it’s deeper reality but it has crystallized due to a change of it’s environment.

Human body is just crystallized God. Two people are making love and their love, by some mystery of nature becomes a conducive environment for the the vast consciousness to crystallize into a new body. Human body is just like ice, While ice is solidification of water, Body is the solidification of God, body is the God crystallized in flesh and blood, body is Frozen God. It will remain body for a life time and then go back to being eternity again.

Mind has a peculiar property, it can and does think itself as separate from the Being, separate from the whole existence, just like the Knot on the rope saying, I am and the rope is naught, the wave saying I am and the sea is naught, Ice saying I am and the water is naught.

To an enlightened person your question would seem something like this -

If the knot in the rope is an illusion, is there any explanation as to why rope is localized in the knot ?

If the wave in the sea is an illusion, is there any explanation as to why there’s sea in the wave ?

If a crystal of ice is an illusion, is there any explanation as to why there’s water in the ice crystal ?

This is how an enlightened person will perceive your question. You can probably have an idea of the difficulty of how a person who has realized the truth, who has attained enlightenment will try to answer your question ? Think about it, think deeply, Contemplate on these question and see how much sense they make to you.

If self is an illusion, is there an explanation as to why awareness is localized in the body

Yes here’s the explanation - self is a knot in the consciousness, self is a wave in the sea of consciousness, body is solidified awareness, that’s why there’s awareness in the self, in the body.

Mind is an Illusion, but Cant deny itself , Mind is already Enlightened but not quite yet

Mind follows an intellectual approach to understand things. Intellect has to break things into parts, intellect cuts. Intellect is narrow, it has difficulty in understanding something that is not divisible. But in reality there’s only oneness, there’s no separation. There’s no Duality, there’s no two, there’s only oneness. Even Oneness indicates the possibility of a second that’s why the wise people have come up with this term - Non Duality - “no two ness” no separation.

I fully appreciate that mind has questions, a lot of question, mind has curiosity, it wants to know more, it wants to grow, it wants to expand and deep down it wants to become the universe - what it originally is. The knot is troublesome, it wants to untie itself and become the rope again, the wave wants to become the vastness of the see, Ice has a deep desire to melt to be able to flow like water again.

Non Duality, Oneness, Enlightenment are all about, untying the knot, becoming the sea and allowing oneself to melt, become one.


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