Friday 9 April 2021

TEASDALE "Life is but thought." ODOD BMI 33 - 15062037




"Life is but thought."


Training the mind well is a useful activity. . A mind well trained is of many times greater value. Look at the Buddha and his noble disciples. They changed their status from being run-of-the-mill people to noble ones, respected by people all over. And they've benefited us in more wide-ranging ways than we could ever determine. All of this comes from the fact that they've trained their minds well. A mind well trained is of use in every occupation. It enables us to do our work with circumspection. It makes us reasonable instead of impulsive, and enables us to experience a happiness appropriate to our station in life.

~Luang Por Chah


"Every little action of the common day makes or unmakes character."

-- Oscar Wilde, De Profundis 


When the Buddha walked, he walked without effort. He just enjoyed walking. He didn’t have to strain, because when you walk in mindfulness, you are in touch with all the wonders of life within you and around you.

—Thich Nhat Hanh, “Walk Like a Buddha”

Observe and learn instead of react and respond. Everything doesn't need your reaction. Conserve your energy for what matters."

-- Author Unknown


Brain fog, headache and numbness are three of the most common neurological symptoms of long COVID, new research finds.


"A simple rule for life and work:

Don’t rush, but don’t wait.

Thoughtful action."


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