Monday 5 April 2021




philosophy more than a religion because she considered anything that didn’t have a central deity a philosophy.



We believe in gods.

We have nuns, monks and holy temples.

We follow the sacred scriptures.

We believe in soteriology. (way to salvation)

We believe in eschatology. (prophecies)

We believe in the last days. (Degenerate Age)

We believe in the 'second coming'. (Next Buddha)

We pray.

We believe & pray to the holy saints. (Boddhisatvas)

We believe and pray to the 'Mother Mary'. (Tara)

We use the rosaries when we pray. (Prayer beads)

We chant and praise higher beings.

We follow rituals, and make offerings.

We believe in heavens and hells.

We believe in the previous life and the next. (Rebirth)

And we believe all of the above are actually real, not figurative, not figure of speech not metaphorical, but REAL.



There is what is skillful and unskillful. While not all unskillful acts are evil, there are certainly unskillful acts that are. The skillful is the various types of goodness.

The cultivation of the skillful and abandoning of the unskillful is a fundamental aspect of Buddhist practice. This requires discerning what is skillful and unskillful, and identifying the skillful and unskillful behaviors in your body, speech, and mind. People are a mixture of unskillful and skillful, so are not just good or bad. What is important is to make the choice and commitment to cultivate the skillful and abandon the unskillful. I can be helpful to identify with wanting to make skillful choices and actions. Most of us are going to make an identity, so it is skillful to make an identity around being skillful.


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