Tuesday 26 May 2020

Donald Robertson : “The ancients conceived of the ideal philosopher as a veritable warrior of the mind, a spiritual hero akin to Hercules himself, but since the demise of the Hellenistic schools, the philosopher has become something more bookish, not a warrior, but a mere librarian of the mind.” The warrior vs. librarian metaphor

Robertson writes:
“The ancients conceived of the ideal philosopher as a veritable warrior of the mind, a
spiritual hero akin to Hercules himself, but since the demise of the Hellenistic schools, the
philosopher has become something more bookish, not a warrior, but a mere librarian of the
The warrior vs. librarian metaphor

Henry Ford quote: “Whether you think you can, or you
think you can’t, you’re right”?

The Happiness Hypothesis (5), Jonathan Haidt presents an
excellent analogy for these two systems — a human rider on top of an
The rider represents the rational system; the part of us that plans and
problem-solves. And the elephant represents the emotional system; the
part of us that provide power for the journey

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