Monday, 20 January 2020


Pattern/scale loadings and communalities for the BJT5 scale for self and others (Step 1).
BJT5 for selfPatternScaleCommunality (after rotation)
Nature (α = .95)
1. *I get what I am entitled to have due to the forces of nature.0.830.840.71
2. *I feel that my efforts are noticed and rewarded by the forces of nature0.930.910.84
3. I feel I earn the rewards and punishments I receive from the forces of nature0.950.910.83
4. I feel that when I meet with fortune this is brought on me by the forces of nature0.820.850.73
5. The forces of nature will ensure that I get what I deserve0.890.890.80
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that I get are fairly given by the forces of nature0.930.910.82
7. *Basically the forces of nature are fair for me0.690.710.55
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)7.35 (20.99)
God (α = .99)
1. *I get what I am entitled to have from God.0.950.950.91
2. *I feel that my efforts are noticed and rewarded by God0.950.950.90
3. I feel I earn the rewards and punishments I receive from God0.950.960.92
4. I feel that when I meet with fortune this is brought on me by God0.950.950.90
5. God will ensure that I get what I deserve0.960.960.93
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that I get are fairly given by God0.960.970.93
7. *Basically God is fair for me0.930.920.85
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)9.65 (27.58)
Other people (α = .95)
1. *I get what I am entitled to have from other people I encounter.0.780.750.57
2. *I feel that my efforts are noticed and rewarded by other people I encounter0.830.760.60
3. I feel I earn the rewards and punishments I receive from other people I encounter0.830.830.69
4. I feel that when I meet with fortune this is brought on me by other people I encounter0.780.780.62
5. Other people will ensure that I get what I deserve0.710.760.60
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that I get are fairly given by other people I encounter0.850.870.77
7. *Basically other people are fair for me0.760.760.59
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)2.13 (6.08)
Self (α = .94)
1. *I get what I am entitled to have because of no one but myself.0.870.810.68
2. *Whether my efforts are noticed and rewarded is determined by no one but myself0.760.740.55
3. I feel I earn the rewards and punishments I get because of no one but myself0.830.840.71
4. I feel that when I meet with fortune this is brought on me by no one but myself0.880.890.79
5. I get what I deserve because of no one but myself.0.860.870.78
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that I get are fairly given because of no one but myself0.880.880.79
7. *Basically I am treated fairly because of no one but myself0.790.810.66
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)3.92 (11.21)
Chance (α = .94)
1. *I get what I am entitled to have due to chance0.840.840.71
2. *Whether my efforts are noticed and rewarded is determined by chance0.910.850.74
3. I feel the rewards and punishments I receive are due to chance0.910.890.80
4. I feel that when I meet with fortune this is brought on by chance0.860.840.71
5. I get what I deserve due to chance0.920.920.85
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that I get are fairly given by chance0.730.800.68
7. *Basically chance is fair for me0.420.590.45
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)2.91 (8.33)
BJT5 for other
Nature (α = .95)
1. *People get what they are entitled to have due to the forces of nature0.830.840.71
2. *I feel that people’s efforts are noticed and rewarded by the forces of nature0.860.850.73
3. I feel people earn the rewards and punishments they receive from the forces of nature0.930.900.82
4. I feel that when people meet with fortune this is brought on them by the forces of nature0.890.890.79
5. The forces of nature will ensure that people get what they deserve0.850.870.75
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that people get are fairly given by the forces of nature0.920.910.83
7. *Basically the forces of nature are fair for people0.700.720.54
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)7.47 (21.33)
God (α = .98)
1. *People get what they are entitled to have from God0.950.950.89
2. *I feel that people’s efforts are noticed and rewarded by God0.970.960.92
3. I feel people earn the rewards and punishments they receive from God0.960.960.92
4. I feel that when people meet with fortune this is brought on them by God0.920.940.87
5. God will ensure that people get what they deserve0.960.960.92
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that people get are fairly given by God0.950.950.90
7. *Basically God is fair for people0.910.910.83
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)9.98 (28.51)
Other people (α = .95)
1. *People get what they are entitled to have from others they encounter0.720.750.57
2. *I feel that people’s efforts are noticed and rewarded by other people they encounter0.860.790.64
3. I feel people earn the rewards and punishments they receive from other people they encounter0.830.800.65
4. I feel that when people meet with fortune this is brought on them by other people they encounter0.830.800.65
5. Other people will ensure that people get what they deserve0.750.790.63
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that people get are fairly given by other people they encounter0.790.820.69
7. *Basically other people are fair for people0.630.690.51
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)1.84 (5.25)
Self (α = .94)
1. *People get what they are entitled to have because of no one but themselves0.800.780.61
2. *Whether people’s efforts are noticed and rewarded is determined by no one but themselves0.800.780.63
3. I feel people earn the rewards and punishments they get because of no one but themselves0.860.860.73
4. I feel that when people meet with fortune this is brought on them because of no one but themselves0.870.860.75
5. People get what they deserve because of no one but themselves0.880.870.75
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that people get are fairly given because of no one but themselves.0.870.890.80
7. *Basically people are treated fairly because of no one but themselves0.780.820.67
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)3.84 (10.97)
Chance (α = .92)
1. *People get what they are entitled to have by chance0.800.800.64
2. *Whether people’s efforts are noticed and rewarded is determined by chance0.850.840.71
3. I feel the rewards and punishments people receive are due to chance0.920.900.81
4. I feel that when people meet with fortune this is brought on by chance0.830.820.68
5. People get what they deserve due to chance0.910.910.82
6. I feel that the rewards and punishments that people get are fairly given by chance0.790.840.72
7. *Basically chance is fair for people0.330.490.37
Eigenvalue (percentage of variance explained)2.31 (6.60)
NoteN = 345
* = items of the reduced three item scale

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