Friday 1 November 2019


  • Adults aged ≥65 years with type 2 diabetes treated in primary care were followed for a median of 7.3 years to evaluate the effect of the duration of diabetes on glycemic control and mortality risk. The duration of diabetes impacted the association between mean HbA1c and all-cause mortality. For those with diabetes <5 years, the risk of death increased with increasing HbA1c. However, there was a J-shaped association between mean HbA1c level and mortality risk among those with diabetes ≥5 years, and the lowest mortality risk was seen in those with a mean HbA1c level between 6.5% and 7.9%. Conversely, both low and high mean HbA1c levels were associated with increased mortality risk in the population with diabetes ≥5 years.
  • The duration of diabetes impacts the association between glycemic control and mortality risk in older adults with type 2 diabetes. Of note, strict glycemic control in individuals with a long duration of disease was associated with an increased risk of mortality.

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