Sunday 24 November 2019


"The reasons why plants have these psychological benefits for us are still mostly unknown and may go back far in time, bound up in our unconscious awareness that without them life for our species wouldn’t be possible. The calm that pervades us in their presence may be the echo of an ancestral awareness that everything we need and every chance for our survival dwells in the green world. Now as long ago.

 with you.

"This should be enough to make us worship everything green. And that’s even without considering medicine. Practically our entire pharmacopoeia is obtained from molecules that are either produced by plants or synthesized by human beings 

copying plant chemistry

"At the turn of the last century, the Russian botanist Kliment Timiryazev (1843–1920) wrote, “The plant is the connecting link between the earth and the sun,” and in fact, almost everything humans use for energy has always come from plants." 

"There are principally six plants from which we get most of our calories: sugar cane, corn, rice, wheat, potato, and soy. These and a few others form the nutritional base for almost all humans throughout the world. They are the so-called food plants, very special living beings.

"Alimentation is only the first and most intuitive link in our dependence on plants. Then, obviously, there’s oxygen.

"In fact, our situation really isn’t so stellar. The plant world alone represents more than 99.5 percent of the biomass of the planet. It’s like saying that if 100 is the total weight of everything alive, according to various estimates, between 99.5 and 99.9 percent is composed of plants. Or to put it the other way around, of all living things, animals—humans included—represent only a trace (a scant 0.1 to 0.5 percent)."

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