Sunday 3 November 2019

B GANDHARA The Buddha was a teacher of salvation, not salvation himself.

See the source image

Gandhāra was an ancient region in the Peshawar basin in the northwest of the ancient Indian subcontinent, corresponding to present-day northwest Pakistan and northeast Afghanistan. The center of the region was at the confluence of the Kabul and Swat rivers, bounded by the Sulaiman Mountains on the west and the Indus River on the east. The Safed Koh mountains separated it from the Kohat region to the south. This being the core area of Gandhara, the cultural influence of "Greater Gandhara" extended across the Indus river to the Taxila region and westwards into the Kabul and Bamiyan valleys in Afghanistan, and northwards up to the Karakoram range.

 know that Buddhas are not people. What makes you and I people is identification to our body/mind system, but they have transcended that AND levels above that (god consciousness, unity consciousness, etc.). They are basically in the most purest state in existence, their awareness can understand anything because it is infinite.

Study how to be great, and you might naturally become great, depending on your efforts.

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