Thursday 25 July 2019


Patanjali described these obstacles as follows:
1.30: Vyadhi styana samsaya 
pramada-alasya-avirati bhrantidarsana-alabdha-bhumikatva
anavasthitatvani citta-vikshepah te antarayah
Vyadhi – Disease
Styana – Languor, mental dullness, apathy
Samsaya – Doubt
Pramada – Carelessness, haste, indifference
Alasya – Laziness, sloth
Avirati – Absence of non-attachment, sensuality
Bhrantidarsana – False perception, blindness
Alabdhabhumikatva – Not attaining the destination or stage, lack of determination
Anavasthitatvani – Instability, not retaining the condition
They are the obstacles that distract the mind.
In the modern context, we can add two more to the list:
fear of missing out (FOMO),
and digital distraction.

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