Wednesday 3 July 2019

DWM People lose 50 percent more weight when they take a two-week break from their diet, a study finds. Intermittent dieting also helps people maintain their weight loss over time. Taking a break from a diet and eating freely may help people retain their resolve over a period of time. Dieting also causes the body’s metabolism to slow down, which makes losing weight more difficult. Eating normally brings the metabolism back up to regular speed and burns more calories.

People lose 50 percent more weight when they take a two-week break from their diet, a study finds.
Intermittent dieting also helps people maintain their weight loss over time.
Taking a break from a diet and eating freely may help people retain their resolve over a period of time.
Dieting also causes the body’s metabolism to slow down, which  makes losing weight more difficult.
Eating normally brings the metabolism back up to regular speed and burns more calories.

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