Thursday 28 March 2019


Umbilical venous catheterization is one of the fastest methods of deep venous access in neonates, but may be associated with complication [1]. A 3.5 FG size umbilical venous catheter (UVC) was inserted in a male baby with birthweight of 2360 g on day 1 of life for administration of fluids for treatment of hypoglycemia. Accidentally, on day 3, the catheter broke during removal, and part of the catheter migrated to heart. Attempt of removal of the broken part of UVC by laparotomy was unsuccessful. The upper end of broken UVC was confined within both right atrium and left atrium and lower end was lying in IVC (Fig. 1)
. On day 5 of life, the catheter it was removed under fluoroscopic guidance by percutaneous approach under general anesthesia. It was removed by pediatric cardiology team transfemorally through a 4 Fr multipurpose

A2 catheter with help of a 5 Fr sheath and a 15 mm Gooseneck snare. The UVC was held just proximal to the tip and snared from the superior vena cava during retrieval. The baby was discharged from hospital in healthy state.

Inline image

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