Saturday 30 March 2019


Nibbana Is Giving Up, Letting Go, and Being Free

In a training program, Morpheus takes Neo out onto the roof of a building. “Let it all go, Neo,” he says. “Fear. Doubt. Disbelief. Free your mind.” Morpheus runs and jumps off of the building, landing on another roof fifty feet away. “Okie dokie,” says Neo. “Free my mind. Right. No problem.”

Ajahn Chah on letting go:

“What is nibbana all about anyway? Nibbana means not grasping. Nibbana means not giving meaning to things. Nibbana means letting go. Making offerings and doing meritorious deeds, observing moral precepts, and meditating on loving-kindness—all these are for getting rid of defilements and craving, for making the mind empty—empty of self-cherishing, empty of concepts of self and other—and for not wishing for anything, not wishing to be or become anything.”

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