Thursday 22 November 2018

The ethical code of warrior behavior is known as bushido. The bushido has a method by which the warrior can die well, as noted by the seventeenth century writer of the Primer of Bushido, Daidoji Yusan: “The idea most vital and essential to the bushi is that of death. He should have this idea before his mind day and night, night and day, from the dawn of the first day of the year till the last minute of the last day. When this notion takes firm hold of you, you can discharge your duties to their fullest extent;"

The ethical code of warrior behavior is known as bushido. The bushido has a method by which the warrior can die well, as noted by the seventeenth century writer of the Primer of Bushido, Daidoji Yusan: “The idea most vital and essential to the bushi is that of death. He should have this idea before his mind day and night, night and day, from the dawn of the first day of the year till the last minute of the last day. When this notion takes firm hold of you, you can discharge your duties to their fullest extent;"

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