Thursday 29 November 2018

P Significant differences between CSF pleocytosis and nonpleocytosis in EVM appear to be associated with distinct levels of CSF cytokines.

 Significant differences between CSF pleocytosis and nonpleocytosis in EVM appear to be associated with distinct levels of CSF cytokines.

Routine EV and HPeV testing of CSF samples in children has the potential to reduce length of stay and antibiotic use. What is Known: • EV and HPeV are frequent cause of meningitis and sepsis-like illness among young children. • There is increasing evidence supporting routine EV and HPeV testing of paediatric CSF. What is New: • Outcome of routine EV and HPeV testing in Cornwall, UK. • The value of testing all paediatric CSF without any screening criteria. • A rapid diagnosis of EV/HPeV can significantly reduce length of hospital stay and unnecessary antibiotics.

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