Wednesday 28 November 2018


52 Kinds of Mental States

Dvipaññāsa Cetasika

§ 2. (i)
1. Phasso, 2. Vedanā, 3. Saññā, 4. Cetanā, 5. Ekaggatā, 6. Jīvitindriyam, 7. Manasikāro c'āti satt'ime Cetasika Sabbacittasādhāranā nāma.
c'āti satt'ime Cetasika Sabbacittasādhāranā nāma.
(Pakinnakā - 6)
§ 3. (ii)
1. Vitakko, 2. Vicāro, 3. Adhimokkho, 4. Viriyam, 5. Pīti, 6. Chando c'āti cha ime Cetasikā pakinnakā nāma.
c'āti cha ime Cetasikā pakinnakā nāma.
Eva'mete Cetasikā Aññasamānā'ti veditabbā. (13)
(Akusala - 14)
§ 4. (iii)
1. Moho, 2. Ahirikam, 3. Anottappam 4. Uddhaccam, 5. Lobho, 6. Ditthi, 7. Māno, 8. Doso, 9. Issā, 10. Macchariyam, 11. Kukkuccam, 12. Thīnam, 13. Middham, 14. Vicikicchā
c'āti cuddas'ime Cetasikā Akusalā nāma.
§ 5. (iv)
1. Saddhā, 2. Sati, 3. Hiri, 4. Ottapam, 5. Alobho, 6. Adoso, 7. Tatramajjhattatā, 8. Kāya-passaddhi, 9. Citta-passaddhi, 10. Kāya-lahutā, 11. Citta-lahutā, 12. Kāya-mudutā, 13. Citta-mudutā, 14. Kāya-kammaññatā, 15. Citta-kammaññatā, 16. Kāya-pāguññatā, 17. Citta-pāguññatā, 18. Kāyujjukatā, 19. Cittujjukatā,
c'ati ek' unavīsat'ime Cetasikā Sobhanasādhāranā nāma.
§ 6. (v)
1. Sammā-vācā, 2. Sammā-kammanto, 3. Sammā-ājīvo
c'āti tisso Viratiyo nāma.
§ 7. (vi)
1. Karunā, 2. Muditā pana Appamaññāyo nāmā'ti sabbathā'pi-
§ 8. (vii)
Paññindriyena saddhim pañcavīsat'ime Cetasikā Sobhanā'ti veditabbā.
§ 9.
Ettāvatā ca - Teras' aññasamānā ca - cuddasākusalā tathā 
Sobhanā pañcavīsā'ti - dvipaññāsa pavuccare.

[these 'Universal' cetasikas are in variably found in every consciousness]
§ 2. How ? (i)
  1. Contact[1],
  2. Feeling,
  3. Perception,
  4. Volition,
  5. One-Pointedness,
  6. Psychic life,
  7. Attention.
These seven mental states are common to every consciousness.
[unlike the Universals these cetasikas are found only in certain classes of consciousness]
§ 3. (ii)
  1. Initial Application,
  2. Sustained Application,
  3. Decision,
  4. Effort,
  5. Joy,
  6. Conation.
These six mental states are termed Particulars.
Thus these (thirteen) mental states should be understood as 'common to each other' (aññasamāna[2]).
§ 4. (iii)
  1. Delusion,
  2. Shamelessness,
  3. Fearlessness (of consequences, or to commit wrong),
  4. Restlessness,
  5. Attachment,
  6. Misbelief,
  7. Conceit,
  8. Hatred,
  9. Jealousy,
  10. Avarice,
  11. Worry,
  12. Sloth,
  13. Torpor,
  14. Doubt.
These fourteen mental states are termed 'Immorals'.
§ 5. (iv)
  1. Confidence,
  2. Mindfulness,
  3. (Moral) Shame,
  4. (Moral) dread,
  5. Non-attachment,
  6. Goodwill,
  7. Equanimity,
  8. Tranquillity of mental states,
  9. Tranquillity of mind,
  10. Lightness of mental states,
  11. Lightness of mind,
  12. Pliancy of mental states,
  13. Pliancy of mind,
  14. Adaptability of mental states,
  15. Adaptability of mind,
  16. Proficiency of mental states,
  17. Proficiency of mind,
  18. Rectitude of mental states,
  19. Rectitude of mind.
These nineteen mental states are termed 'Common to Beautiful.'
§ 6. (v)
  1. Right Speech,
  2. Right Action,
  3. Right Livelihood.
These three are termed 'Abstinences.'
§ 7. (vi)
  1. Compassion,
  2. Appreciative or Sympathetic Joy.
These are termed 'Illimitables.'
§ 8. (vii)
With the Faculty of Wisdom these twenty-five mental states are in every way to be understood as 'Beautiful.'
§ 9. Thus:-
Thirteen are common to each other. Similarly fourteen are common to Immorals Twenty-five are 'Beautiful.'
Thus fifty-two have been enumerated.

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