Wednesday 14 November 2018

"One thing, which I did find really interesting and I have been using in my own life, is a model from Eric Berne who studied how people related to each other. It relates directly to the last section, in which I mentioned martyrdom and how destructive it can be to self-sacrifice. One of the models used in Transactional Analysis uses three terms: Child, Adult and Parent. These are not completely literal they refer to the roles each one plays in relationships. The child is dependent, needing the advice, guidance and discipline provided by an adult. The adult is independent, making their own way and decisions, and owning their own opinions. The Parent is the dominant character, making decisions for others and looking after the child, who is in their care."

"One thing, which I did find really interesting and I have been using in my own life, is a model from Eric Berne who studied how people related to each other. It relates directly to the last section, in which I mentioned martyrdom and how destructive it can be to self-sacrifice. One of the models used in Transactional Analysis uses three terms: Child, Adult and Parent. These are not completely literal they refer to the roles each one plays in relationships. The child is dependent, needing the advice, guidance and discipline provided by an adult. The adult is independent, making their own way and decisions, and owning their own opinions. The Parent is the dominant character, making decisions for others and looking after the child, who is in their care."

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