Saturday 17 November 2018

AW He continually broached the possibility that greed, anger, and ignorance could be transformed, as Buddhists often suggest, into wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment. If it is true in the new millennium as it was during Watts’ own day, that human- LW\ LV IDFLQJ ZKDW 0DUWLQ /XWKHU .LQJ FDOOHG WKH ´ÀHUFH XUJHQF\ RI QRZµ DV some contemporary voices would imply, then all the more compelling reason to consider Alan Watts anew

He continually
broached the possibility that greed, anger, and ignorance could be transformed,
as Buddhists often suggest, into wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment. If it
is true in the new millennium as it was during Watts’ own day, that human-

some contemporary voices would imply, then all the more compelling reason
to consider Alan Watts anew

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