Friday 12 January 2018


You were given a name, or perhaps a few names. You were told you are a person. You were told you are unique. You were given food, shown how to eat and you grew physically and mentally. You were told what to believe, how to feel, how to act. You were told what religion to practice or not, told what to wear and what schools to attend. In school you were told facts and figures and that you should get good grades so that you can get into college or get a good job. Then you were told by advertisers what products to eat, what clothes to wear, what car to drive, what music to listen to. You were told by your peers perhaps what drugs to take, what drinks to drink, what words to say. You are still being told what to do, how to think, how to feel. Magazines tell you who is pretty and who is not, who are rich and who are poor, who is successful and who is not. Priests, Imams and Rabbis tell you how to be good, what they believe is true and how you should live your life and what you must do to go to heaven. Psychologists tell you if they think you are well or sick in your mind. Governments tell you how you should feel about your country. In short everything you think, do and say is because you were told by another human being how to think, how to do and what to say. And all this has been generated by human thought and concepts.

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