Tuesday 28 November 2023

Avoiding the extremes of the Bell curve -BIOSAR X AMOR FATI- DEAL WITH THAT AF-DWT




When the mind appears, reality disappears. When the mind disappears, reality appears.

Bodhidharma, “Bodhidharma’s Teachings”


To establish the purpose of consciousness, we would first need to understand what consciousness is.

This very question has mystified philosophers, physicists and spiritual seekers since time immemorial.

As it stands, there is no universally agreed-upon definition of consciousness. It remains a mystery that can only be pointed at.

My answer, therefore, acts as a pointer, based on my personal experience of awakening from the “dream”…

Consciousness serves no purpose other than the one we create out of it.

On that basis, one could argue that the purpose of consciousness is to be our playing field.

An interactive interrelated multidimensional playing field is about as close as I can get to describing what consciousness is.

Another way I could describe it would be, art.

In my endeavour to define consciousness in words, I spent several days looking at it in a somewhat comical attempt to pin it down.

Funny thing happened…

Every time I looked at consciousness, it looked right back at me.

In our face-off, consciousness mutated, transformed and reconstructed itself around my “seeing” of it.

In the dawning realisation that I was no longer looking at consciousness but a reflection of myself, consciousness gave me a cheeky wink and (seemingly) vanished from view!

And therein lies the truth of consciousness 😉

Perhaps therefore the purpose of consciousness is quite simply, play.


COLLINS "The problem with beauty is that it's like being born rich and getting poorer.






Consciousness appears to us to have properties that it does not really have. Consciousness appears to be a seamless, high-fidelity, complete, and accurate direct experience of the world. And yet countless psychology experiments and visual illusions demonstrate that consciousness does not actually have these properties. Consciousness is fragmented, internally inconsistent, lower resolution, and more distorted than we think.

Yohan John makes a great point in asking the question "to what is consciousness an illusion"? The answer to that question is "to itself", a circular answer that highlights one of the core paradoxes of consciousness. Awareness, or self-awareness, presents the feeling that we are simultaneously and synchronously both the subject and object of our perception; and yet both roles cannot be logically simultaneous due simply to the time-lag required to process information and form a point of view. Who we perceive ourselves to be is who we were a few hundred milliseconds ago. But hopefully we haven't changed much.


You can lift your spirits without a gym membership, wearing Lycra or even leaving the house.

For sedentary people, getting out of the chair is enough to improve happiness, research finds.

It turns out that very light activity is surprisingly effective in raising people’s level of well-being.



However, as the number one unanswerable question, I prefer Steven Hawking’s: “Why does the universe bother to exist?”

My second favorite is “how did something come from nothing?” There have been attempts to answer this one. My view is that nothing can come from nothing. If one assumes the greatest possible void (not in size , but in concept), in which there is no matter or energy, no dimensions, strings, Branes, etc., there still must exist a law that permits the creation of universes, and that is not nothing.

My third favorite is why the physical constants are what they are and must be what they are in order for us to be asking about them. This is known as the Anthropic Principle. The Anthropic Principle raises the question of whether the universe is conscious observer dependent. This idea makes many scientists uncomfortable.

In response to the Anthropic Principle, many scientists proffer various as yet unprovable (and unfalsifiable) multi-verse ideas. That’s OK because the only evidence for the Anthropic principle is the existence of observers who measure and/or calculate the constants; whereas the idea of multiple universes turns universe creation into an ongoing natural phenomenon, one in which observers could evolve in a particular kind of universe, rather than a one time, perhaps discomfort creating supernatural phenomenon. That is, if creation is natural (as it must be), why would only one universe exist? Hence the need for the multi-verse.

There seems to be a preponderance of observable evidence that the universe had a beginning and has been evolving. Yet so far, universe creation is outside known science and resides in the realm of vigorous speculation.


Krishna mentions “Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa],” making the point that it is the highest and best of all sacrifices.


Lord Shiva discovered meditation and he invented 112 meditations and it is listed in very old Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. It is ancient yoga text 5000 to 15000 years old and there are 112 meditation techniques revealed by Lord Shiva.


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