Saturday 1 April 2023

Bitter prasada line

Friday, January 26, 1979

In the incense stick there is fire, there is smoke and there is fragrance. It is the same with the body. The body is the stick, prana is the fire, and consciousness is the fragrance. Prana is the vibration of the essence of the body, which is the essence of food.

Because of body-consciousness, a wife requires a husband and vice-versa.

The body is temporal. The knower is not.

You may give them names like Purusha and Prakriti. The goal is the same.

It is the feeling ‘I am’.

What actions did you perform before you cognized your body or your mother?

What conscious actions did you perform to become the way you are?

What sort of sadhana are you going to perform?

What is your personal identity?

For which identity of yours should God offer His blessings?

Is there a form that you can strictly call your own?

You will go back the way you came.

Remain as you are.

Just observe what has been accumulated.

Does anyone lament over a clock that has stopped?

It just means that time has stopped. Should the ending of this time make you miserable?

When a person dies, time comes to an end.

Should you grieve over this? What gives you beingness is with you right here. 

Then what is the use of wandering about? Is there a special place in the world where it can be found? Stop here and think about this.

Krishna says: ‘With the rise of the feeling ‘I am’, I saw that I was all’.

Without consciousness, there is nothing. 

An infinite number of universes dwell in consciousness. However, even one cell of it is not true and eternal.

By identifying with the body, do you expect to get the knowledge of Brahman? You quarrel with the words you hear. Your true body is the all-manifest subtle body of your microscopic consciousness. The world will cease to exist when you consciousness comes to an end.

To continuously observe this consciousness is to surrender to the Guru. It means to focus one’s energy. To surrender to the Sadguru is to give up body consciousness, to let go of individuality. Remembering our consciousness is meditation. It is the same as the feet of the Guru. It leads to Self-realization.

That which realizes is the same as the holy feet of the Sadguru.

Atman is awareness, self-luminosity.

The light appears and then disappears.

Is there truly any birth or death?

You say you know yourself. Is it not because you already know ‘you are’?

So think only of consciousness. Where you, yourself, have no existence, who can say that the world exists?

Do you know that your consciousness is continuously taking pictures through word, touch, form, taste and smell?

It is automatic. You do not know how this happens, therefore you take false pride in your actions. Everything is happening spontaneously, so do not take any pride of doership.

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Nirupana #88


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