Saturday 21 August 2021






DWM Eating berries, nuts, cocoa products, apples, and drinking tea have been found to improve blood circulation and vascular health.

These foods and drink are rich in flavanols, a type of polyphenol that has powerful antioxidant effects.

A diet high in flavanols is an effective way to reduce blood pressure and prevent cardio-vascular diseases.



Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of climate change, contributing to 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions


they would break their silence to tell us they are speechless




“For [mystics,] contemplation and action are not opposites, but two interdependent forms of a life that is one—a life that rushes out to a passionate communion with the true and beautiful.” —Evelyn Underhil



“By virtue of the Creation and, still more, of the Incarnation, nothing here below is profane for those who know how to see. On the contrary, everything is sacred.” —Teilhard de Chardin







How would Karma work in this story?

A man notices that a middle aged woman is crying on the beach. He walks over to see if she is ok. As he approaches he recognizes the crying woman as a famous movie star.

The movie star is in much grief and cannot control herself. She tells the man that he has just received a terrible diagnosis from a doctor and he didn't want anyone in her family to know. The man consoles her as best as he can.

A few days later the man loses his job. In a panic he realizes he will soon be unable to provide for his child. He knows he can sell the story of the movie star's diagnosis to the tabloids and get a lot of money for it, but he also knows the woman didn't want people to know.

He is torn. A few more days pass and the man cannot pay the rent or for the family's meals. He decides it would be irresponsible for him as a father, not to sell the story so he does.

Any action done out of greed, hatred, or delusion will engender negative karma.

(Intentions can me mixed, which would then produce mixed karma as well.)

What does your practice look like these days?

Thanissaro Bhikkhu speaks about this type of scenario, “I broke the precepts for my mother” He that is for your mother to work out, in the meantime you are in hell.

If there is nothing worth clinging to, there is nothing worth breaking precepts for. Until then, there is clinging.

I mean that karma is action so no matter which action he takes there will be karma, yes? So if he takes the action of betraying the woman there will be that karma, but if he takes the action of choosing the woman over providing for his child that karma should be even worse because he is failing as a father to a young child that is dependent on him, right?

Karma is the story.

It was an exam. It's very sad, but the man failed it. He committed a heinous act for which there is no excuse. Such exams are sometimes once in a lifetime. If you pass it correctly, it has a very beneficial effect on the fate of a person. This is a unique opportunity. The reward for its passage is always higher than the momentary benefit that a person receives by betraying high human values.

Is not providing for his child an higher human value though? I am thinking out loud.

This is a fascinating thought experiment

It's applying thinking mind judgement of his actions that are karmic

Right Action is to surrender the thinking mind so that he acts in accordance with the Buddha Nature and walks the Middle Way without generating Karma

If he thinks I should have done this or I shouldn't have done this then he is thinking and thus creates Karma

If he judges with his thinking mind what he thinks he should do or afterwards judges with his thinking mind whether what he did was right or wrong - then he is thinking and thus creates Karma

Judgement is thinking and thinking is karmic

Better to meditate away his thinking mind and then Right Action will arise spontaneously

We can not know what the Middle Way is. We can read Buddhas Teachings and approximate with our thinking mind what the Middle Way should be. But thinking keeps us from the Middle Way. It is when we silence our thinking mind and rest in Buddha Nature that we effortlessly walk the Middle Way with Right Action without generating any Karma.

I do not understand this. Isn't meditation about awareness rather than not thinking? Being aware of your thoughts. As humans we do think.

If one does not ever think don't they end up just reacting instead?

Feeding his family is good. Going against the wishes of others isn't good, but if the woman will be dying or visibly I'll then it's not really revealing anything that wouldn't already be revealed. I think selling the story would basically be akin to gossip.


waking state, dreaming state, deep sleep state, netflix state 



1 Shiva only God who is Beyond Religion means not Belong to any Religion.

2. Shiva is called Maheshwara supreme God in Hinduism worshipped by all sects including vaishnavas.

3. Shiva is highest worshipped God in Hinduism. Compared to other dieties

4 Shiva only God worshipped by Entire Sanathana Dharma including Vishu and Brahma.

5 Shiva is only God who is Unborn remain forever (permnent) he is also Mahakaal beyond death , time and Karma

6. Shiva is the only God who given equal importance to his extraordinary Goddess who is Adiparashakti herself

7. God means Auspicious





There is only one way to stop worrying and live - when you start living in the present!

Someone asked a monk, "What is the reason for your happiness?"

The sage said where there is a reason, there is no happiness, happiness is like a stream.

That sage has left the reason, only focused on living.

If you get understood how to live, then you will understand that you have got a huge wealth of life.


At the most fundamental level, “know yourself” means Realize you are limitless awareness.

This can be hard to accept.

Michael Tamura has a great answer, that we can experience right now.

Every apparent separate soul is like pure light.

When we don’t know our light, we search for it externally.

In order to find or attain our own light, we try to improve ourselves.

When we try to improve ourselves, we are in competition with ourselves.

This keeps us from realizing our light.

We entered this world because we wanted to.

We had things we wanted to learn and experience.

This is well enough, but it isn’t necessary.

We already have everything, but we suffer from the delusion that something is missing.

We can check off the items on our bucket list, but our delusion will cause us to add more items.

We think:

“This time, I’ll get all my shopping done, and I won’t suffer.”

But the belief that we’re missing something causes suffering.

To know ourselves, we must simply be ourselves, rather than wait for an opportunity.

What are we waiting for?

We’re waiting for someone to give us permission.

When we know we already have everything, we can simply express our light.

This doesn’t mean we have to talk more, laugh more, or be more “genuine.”

We can simply stop believing there’s something missing.

This will have an extraordinary effect.

MAYA -  It is the mysterious deluding power of material nature whereby we think the unreal to be real, the transitory to be permanent, with worthless to be valuable etc.


As long as the soul remains in material consciousness (i.e. thinking himself to be the center of existence) he remains rotating perpetually in the material world in the cycle of repeated birth and death through the 8,400,00 different species of life. However, when he becomes enlightened with the realization that God is the actual center of existence and fully surrenders himself unto God he escapes the cycle of birth and death and regains his original eternally youthful form, which is full of bliss and knowledge, and lives as an eternal associate of God in the spiritual world. I teach the art of how to enter the spiritual world in my free e-course at: Ultimate Self Realization





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