Sunday 1 August 2021






"All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope."


Now at that moment this line of thinking appeared in the awareness of a certain monk: "So — form is not-self, feeling is not-self, perception is not-self, fabrications are not-self, consciousness is not-self. Then what self will be touched by the actions done by what is not-self?"

Then the Blessed One, realizing with his awareness the line of thinking in that monk's awareness, addressed the monks: "It's possible that a senseless person — immersed in ignorance, overcome with craving — might think that he could outsmart the Teacher's message in this way: 'So — form is not-self, feeling is not-self, perception is not-self, fabrications are not-self, consciousness is not-self. Then what self will be touched by the actions done by what is not-self?' Now, monks, haven't I trained you in counter-questioning with regard to this & that topic here & there? What do you think — Is form constant or inconstant?" "Inconstant, lord." "And is that which is inconstant easeful or stressful?" "Stressful, lord." "And is it fitting to regard what is inconstant, stressful, subject to change as: 'This is mine. This is my self. This is what I am'?" "No, lord."

"... Is feeling constant or inconstant?" "Inconstant, lord"...

"... Is perception constant or inconstant?" "Inconstant, lord"...

"... Are fabrications constant or inconstant?" "Inconstant, lord"...

"What do you think, monks — Is consciousness constant or inconstant?" "Inconstant, lord." "And is that which is inconstant easeful or stressful?" "Stressful, lord." "And is it fitting to regard what is inconstant, stressful, subject to change as: 'This is mine. This is my self. This is what I am'?" "No, lord."

"Thus, monks, any form whatsoever that is past, future, or present; internal or external; blatant or subtle; common or sublime; far or near: Every form is to be seen with right discernment as it has come to be: 'This is not mine. This is not my self. This is not what I am.'

"Any feeling whatsoever...

"Any perception whatsoever...

"Any fabrications whatsoever...

"Any consciousness whatsoever that is past, future, or present; internal or external; blatant or subtle; common or sublime; far or near: Every consciousness is to be seen with right discernment as it has come to be: 'This is not mine. This is not my self. This is not what I am.' - MN 109

The bifurcation of experience into inner and external dimensions of experience is considered to be false, but this cannot be known without awakening. For normal sentient beings, reality is experienced as concrete and real, existing at a distance from us. Buddhas however do not experience phenomena that way.



With an eternity ahead of all beings, is everyone destined for nirvana?

Given an infinite amount of time, if a beings chances of reaching nirvana are >0, they will eventually reach nirvana right? I don’t think I would want to be in a reality where anyone I love will be stuck in samsara. I’m new to Buddhism btw and I am still learning.

body and mind are not-self now, for everyone.

Only due to being unaware of our true nature, and being deluded into the bondage of identifying with body and mind, we appear to be in samsara.

So the question comes from being in samsara, Buddhism says this is actually an illusion


B If I keep flipping a coin long enough will I flip 100 heads in a row? A million? 10 to the 100? It is possible, but always unlikely.

This is a misunderstanding of infinity and probability. Most of the time there isn’t a Buddha. When there is a Buddha, most beings can’t understand or aren’t interested in the Dharma anyway. Beings that do hear the Dharma might misunderstand it and never become stream enterers. When there isn’t a Buddha in the world, the Dharma fades quickly.

Most living beings never hear the Dharma.

The fact that this goes on and on only means that a very few beings will be in the right place at the right time to hear the Dharma and be able to act on it out of an ocean of time and limitless beings who never hear it.

Now in Mahayana every being has Buddha nature so there is a chance but Buddhas are rare and liberation takes work


B This is like the infinite monkey theorem whereby a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.

Theoretically this can be argued to be true, but practically this might not happen, like the experiment done with actual monkeys:

This is because humans, just like monkeys, have a tendency to repeat similar pattern of behaviour, especially when stuck in closed systems. So it's a repetitive cycle of becoming, much like samsara, instead of pure randomness.

As such, it's important to be exposed to the dharma, to have the awareness of this repetitiveness and thus work sincerely towards breaking out of this cycle, to make what's theoretical possible into practical reality.

In case anyone is interested , this is the full text produced by six monkeys left with a computer in an enclosure for a month:

I'm not sure just how much the text will become closer to shakespeare even if we give them several more years to try.



The Cardinal Rule of Behavior Change:

What gets rewarded, gets repeated. What gets punished, gets avoided.

Don't reward behavior you don't want to see repeated."


"The bad days are more important than the good days.


Practicing Morality Is Easy When You Know Real Pleasure Is a Hallucination


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