Tuesday 23 February 2021







To enable the spirits to enter into this process, God breathes forth his own Self as the Power from which is manifested all the realms of relative existence, from the most subtle worlds of perfected beings to the most objective worlds of atomic matter. They can then enter into relative existence by taking on coverings, or bodies, of varying grades and patterns of vibratory energies. They descend into this material world and begin working their way up the ladder of ever-evolving forms and consciousness. Beginning with forms whose scope of consciousness is vastly less than theirs, they work their way upward, entering into higher and higher levels of awareness until they can surpass their original breadth of consciousness and begin to partake of a life of awareness much beyond their own. This then culminates in their developing the ability to share in the Divine Consciousness itself


The word mantra itself comes from the Sanskrit expression manat trayate which means “a transforming thought,” that which produces an objective, perceptible change. When joined to the breath, Soham is the supreme mantra of Self-awareness and Self-knowledge culminating in liberation.





Then in a very quiet and gentle manner begin mentally intoning Soham in time with your breathing. (Remember: Soham is pronounced like our English words So and Hum.) Intone Soooooo, prolonging a single intonation throughout each inhalation, and Huuummm, prolonging a single intonation throughout each exhalation, “singing” the syllables on a single note. 


Some people say that the present age is the age of material enjoyment. That the present Yuga is Kali Yuga, and in this Yuga it is extremely difficult to attain the highest goal of Self-realization. Naturally, men in general will be always striving to obtain material happiness. I, however, think that it is not proper to be complaining about external conditions. A little consideration will, on the contrary, convince us that external conditions are almost the same in all Yugas. The change lies in the mind, the attitude it adopts. According to the attitude of your mind you will feel that the age is Satya Yuga or Kali Yuga. Everything thus depends on your mind. Hence I say that you should get your mind immersed in the ceaseless contemplation of Soham and then you will find that the difficulties created by troublesome external conditions will automatically disappear. 


Although the mind has always a tendency to leave the object of meditation and run away to other things, the only remedy is to bring it back again and to fix it on the object of meditation. If we try to give a bend to the branch of a tree, in the beginning as soon as we remove our hand from it, it again becomes straight and assumes, its original position. But by continuous efforts of bending it and also by tying the bent parts by means of a rope etc., we succeed in giving it a permanent bend. Similarly, if a person while repeating his japa finds that his mind has wandered away, the only remedy is to forcibly bring it back and to fix it again on the japa. 





  1. Appetite Rule: Do not suppress appetite. You can eat regardless of the time if you are hungry. You can take fresh fruits and non-starchy vegetables. You should not eat grains, sprouts, legumes, nuts, seeds and other foods outside the eating window.



Jnaneshwar Maharaj describes his own experience in this manner: He says that the seeker,… takes refuge in Soham and finds inner rest. Kabir says that Soham is the japa that goes on automatically, and if one is aware of it, one goes beyond sin and virtue. Kabir has written a large number of verses on this theme. Then, take the case of Vasuguptacharya, who was also a Siddha. He says it is by means of Soham that we explore our inner nature, that we become aware of the inner Self. Janabai, a Siddha yogini, writes in one of her poems that when one becomes aware of Soham within, one becomes aware of the inner Self, one recognizes Lord Hari within. (Satsang With Baba, Vol. 1, p. 200)


Later the Pandit says: Even the self-inspired, continuous ajapa japa of Gayatri performed naturally (along with each respiration cycle) without any effort is said to provide complete protection to the prana and offer spiritual knowledge and siddhis equivalent to that of the other yoga sadhanas. Then think about the impact of this ajapa japa if it is performed as a sadhana with ascetic disciplines, sankalpa and shraddha! Indeed, this sadhana (of Soham) then becomes the highest kind of spiritual sadhana because no branch of knowledge and science is found superior to the Gayatri-vidya and no japa better than the japa of the Gayatri (Mantra). The shastras therefore sing great paeans on the Soham sadhana.


In the Bhagavad Gita the human complex is sometimes spoken of as “the city of nine gates” (5:13) referring to the nine major chakras. The Nath Yogi tradition also teaches that there are nine major chakras: 
1. The Muladhara, located at the base of the spine 

2. The Swadhishthana, located in the spine a little less than midway between the base of the spine and the area opposite the navel. 

3. The Manipura, located in the spine at the point opposite the navel. 

4. The Anahata, located in the spine opposite the midpoint of the sternum bone. 

5. The Vishuddha chakra, located in the spine opposite the hollow of the throat.

 6. The Talu chakra, located at the root of the palate (opposite the tip of the nose). 

7. The Ajna chakra, located at the point between the eyebrows–the “third eye.” 

8. The Nirvana chakra, located in the midst of the brain: opposite the middle of the forehead, directly beneath the crown of the head. 

9. The Brahmarandhra chakra, located at the crown of the head. 


Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 5, Verse 13

सर्वकर्माणि मनसा संन्यस्यास्ते सुखं वशी |
नवद्वारे पुरे देही नैव कुर्वन्न कारयन् || 13||

sarva-karmāṇi manasā sannyasyāste sukhaṁ vaśhī
nava-dvāre pure dehī naiva kurvan na kārayan

sarvaallkarmāṇiactivitiesmanasāby the mindsannyasyahaving renouncedāsteremainssukhamhappilyvaśhīthe self-controllednava-dvāreof nine gatespurein the citydehīthe embodied beingnaneverevacertainlykurvandoing anythingnanotkārayancausing to be done


BG 5.13: The embodied beings who are self-controlled and detached reside happily in the city of nine gates, free from thinking they are the doers or the cause of anything.



Gorakhnath says in the Goraksha Sataka: “The [ajapa] gayatri is sprung from Kundalini and supports the breath [prana]. Knowledge of the breath is the great knowledge [mahavidya]. He who attains the knowledge of this ajapa-gayatri is truly the knower of yoga. Wisdom equal to this, japa equal to this, knowledge equal to this, have never been and will never be” (46). This is in contrast to those who consider the breath to be an obstacle to realization and the cause of restlessness. It is not the breath itself but the breath in a state of distortion and disharmony that produces the trouble. Certainly, without the breath nothing can be accomplished by the yogi. Correction of the breath through Soham is a fundamental step in yoga practice. 



"Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone. Dawn and doom was in the branches."

-- Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God

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