Tuesday 2 June 2020


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On why exhaling helps you relax

Because the exhale is a parasympathetic response. Right now, you can put your hand over your heart. If you take a very slow inhale in, you're going to feel your heart speed up. As you exhale, you should be feeling your heart slow down. So exhaling relaxes the body. And something else happens when we take a very deep breath like this. The diaphragm lowers when we take a breath in, and that sucks a bunch of blood — a huge profusion of blood — into the thoracic cavity. As we exhale, that blood shoots back out through the body.


Controlling blood pressure is one of the keys to reducing the risk of stroke.

Thinking positive is linked to lower blood pressure in stroke survivors, new research finds.

People who believe they can protect themselves from another stroke are better able to control their blood pressure.

The link is particularly strong in women.

Controlling blood pressure is one of the keys to reducing the risk of stroke.

Although it can be done with lifestyle changes or medication, many people find it hard to keep their blood pressure in check.

Blood pressure is not the only health condition that positive beliefs can improve.

For example, people who are more optimistic about their heart disease have better outcomes.


People with this personality trait are more hopeful and assess their lives more positively.

People who believe in the oneness of everything are happier, new research finds.

‘Oneness’ is the idea that everything in the world is interdependent and interconnected.

This includes a sense of connectedness to other people, nature and life in general.

Beliefs like these are incorporated in many religions.

However, whether or not people have a specific faith, they are more satisfied with life when they have a sense of ‘oneness’.

Activities such as yoga, meditation and action sports may help to increase the feeling of oneness or flow.

Avidya — Tripurashakti

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