Saturday 20 June 2020


Verse 176: For one who transgresses the Truth, and is given to lying, and who is unconcerned with the life hereafter, there is no evil that he dare not do. The story about Cincamanavika who was a beautiful women sent to create a false scandal about Gotama the Buddha. She falsely pretended to be impregnated by the Buddha and wanted to cause his teachings and followings to fall so that a different teaching which she is a follower would again be famous. When she was accusing the Buddha of being the father of her child, somehow the piece of wood which was tied in her stomach loosened up and fell off exposing her lies in front of vast amount of followers. The truth then revealed itself. The Buddha spoke to the Bikkhus on a later day, "Bhikkhu, one who is not afraid to tell lies, and who does not care what happens in the future existence, will not hesitate to do any evil." Two things to be remembered here is that evil act requires a large amount of focus and concentration which means it carries a huge weighted of karma but on a bad aspect. Hence it pushes one to very evil realms after life. The bigger an evil act is conducted, the more thought and action is put into it thus resulting is huge huge weightage of bad karma. The second lesson it that the act of lying itself is extremely powerful although comparably to stealing or killing it looks like it is minor, but if we really looked into it, lying causes a person to not only deceit others but deceit themselves in the long run. It becomes a habit of the mind to lie and by repeated act of lies, the liar tends to get confused on what the truth and reality is. Which means, at the end of the life, a liar would be unable to differentiate between reality and lies which is a very important factor to determine where the mind goes upon death (heaven, hell or Nibbana). thank you teacher. <3

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