Wednesday 3 June 2020


I ordered the most beautiful 1800’s brush and comb set with silver in it from a well known antique dealer in 2001 . I was so happy with it that I immediately put it out on my dresser. The next morning my husband told me he had the most horrible dream and when he woke up I acted like I was having the same dream. We didn’t think much of it until our dogs refused to go into the bedroom. They would snap at you if you tried to force them. Then the dreams started again. About a week later I was downstairs while my husband went to bed early with a horrible headache. When I went up to bed there was a little man with a Bower hat on bending over my husband. He looked at me and disappeared. The dogs had followed me and they barked like crazy. I called my priest and told him about what had gone on. He ask me if we had bought any antiques lately and I told him nothing but my brush and hair set and it was from NY state. He told me not to sell it because we might give the demon to who ever bought it. He told me to get a small box and completely fill it with salt so that nothing of the set was touching cardboard just salt and then to take it way into the woods and bury it extremely deep. My husband got excited and told me “ Don’t you remember when we bought it that salt was all in the package ?” We hurriedly bought 5 lbs. of salt and buried the box deep in the Smokey Mountains where hikers wouldn’t find it. I never bought another antique from E-Bay. We never had another nightmare. Our dogs went back to sleeping with us like nothing happened. And never saw anything else in that house. It sure made us start praying again.

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