Thursday 28 February 2019


Sahar, Wholistic Leadership & Consulting at Self-Employment (2017-present)
Why are you meditating and what do you do when you meditate?
I have been meditating for many years now and sometimes I was going nuts with my mind. I dropped my practise and went on different spiritual journeys but meditation called me back. Literally like a hand pulling me to slow down and watch my inner movements.
Here I have a couple suggestions that may serve you or not:
  • Sitting is often recommended but it's not necessary. If you really struggle to sit, then exchange your sitting practise for a VERY slow walk in Nature. Observe the sounds, the movements of the air on your skin, the variations in pace of all the other beings around…
  • The base of meditation is concentration on an object which creates space in the mind. Choose an object that you really love that you are really super curious about. The breath is fascinating. Everything about life is in the breath. But maybe you can start with something else that resonates more with you.
  • The mind is a complex animal. We meditate so we may create space within us and watch the minds movements. You are not your mind BUT your mind will do everything it can to prove you the contrary. It's a paradox because as long as you identify yourself with your thoughts and emotions — the produce of the mind- you cannot see that you are awareness having a mind and a body. So as the thought rises you are already into its story pulled…
  • That's crucial because deep down you really want to set free from this mind prison. And the mind is not an enemy. It took me years to grasp this: I was concentrating so much that I would still the mind and open up a very empty space of nothingness. That's not meditation that's separation.
  • Instead practise and practise again and again to watch the thoughts and the emotions AS THEY ARISE. That's the key. The more you train yourself to see what's happening IN THE MOMENT it happens, the more resilient you become and then I guarantee that you will see a result in your life.
Finally if you are meditating to see results please question that too. We live in a world with a collective madness of performance and achievement. This is not helping us. Please question the threads of beliefs that are living inside of you.
Meditation is about surrendering, about letting go of our tensions, hurts, limiting beliefs and open the space within us when we can become innocent children again. It is about vulnerability and self love. It is about compassion and freedom.
Sometimes we feel an amazing spiritual experience, sometimes we see the tears of a lifetime pouring from us, sometimes we see nothing, feel nothing… That's ok. That's all ok.
What matters that is that you really continue your practise to return to yourself and find who you are freed from the identification to the outside world, the thoughts, the emotions…
Don't give up now. But if you do, listen to that little voice that is calling you back.

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