Sunday 7 August 2022


You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.  



The Moralization Switch

The starting point for appreciating that there is a distinctive part of our psychology for morality is seeing how moral judgments differ from other kinds of opinions we have on how people ought to behave. Moralization is a psychological state that can be turned on and off like a switch, and when it is on, a distinctive mind-set commandeers our thinking. This is the mind-set that makes us deem actions immoral (“killing is wrong”), rather than merely disagreeable (“I hate brussels sprouts”), unfashionable (“bell-bottoms are out”) or imprudent (“don’t scratch mosquito bites”).


Much of our recent social history, including the culture wars between liberals and conservatives, consists of the moralization or amoralization of particular kinds of behavior. Even when people agree that an outcome is desirable, they may disagree on whether it should be treated as a matter of preference and prudence or as a matter of sin and virtue. Rozin notes, for example, that smoking has lately been moralized. Until recently, it was understood that some people didn’t enjoy smoking or avoided it because it was hazardous to their health. But with the discovery of the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, smoking is now treated as immoral. Smokers are ostracized; images of people smoking are censored; and entities touched by smoke are felt to be contaminated (so hotels have not only nonsmoking rooms but nonsmoking floors). The desire for retribution has been visited on tobacco companies, who have been slapped with staggering “punitive damages.”


Though psychopathy probably comes from a genetic predisposition, a milder version can be caused by damage to frontal regions of the brain (including the areas that inhibit intact people from throwing the hypothetical fat man off the bridge). The neuroscientists Hanna and Antonio Damasio and their colleagues found that some children who sustain severe injuries to their frontal lobes can grow up into callous and irresponsible adults, despite normal intelligence. They lie, steal, ignore punishment, endanger their own children and can’t think through even the simplest moral dilemmas, like what two people should do if they disagreed on which TV channel to watch or whether a man ought to steal a drug to save his dying wife.


Unfortunately, the meme of the selfish gene escaped from popular biology books and mutated into the idea that organisms (including people) are ruthlessly self-serving. And this doesn’t follow. Genes are not a reservoir of our dark unconscious wishes. “Selfish” genes are perfectly compatible with selfless organisms, because a gene’s metaphorical goal of selfishly replicating itself can be implemented by wiring up the brain of the organism to do unselfish things, like being nice to relatives or doing good deeds for needy strangers. When a mother stays up all night comforting a sick child, the genes that endowed her with that tenderness were “selfish” in a metaphorical sense, but by no stretch of the imagination is she being selfish.


According to Kapila Muni, the founder of Sankhya philosophy, the Tri-gunatmic Prakriti, consisting of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas is the cause for this world



LYF Like a sandcastle, all is temporary. Build it, tend it, enjoy it. And when the time comes, let it go.


Ishvara wills. The equilibrium of the Gunas is disturbed through Kaala under the influence of Ishvara. Kaala is a Sakti of Ishvara


The Difference Between Mind And Consciousness || Consciousness and Thought || English The question is whether this world is real or an illusion. There is no doubt that you are real, but the world is not real, it is an illusion and you are the reason for this illusion. The body is like a mirror but at the level of thought there is a lot of upheaval in the inner world due to which the mirror has become dirty and thoughts are the cause of this dirtiness. Due to thinking too much, our mind has become clattered, we are restless, thoughts are the root of all problems. Whatever is visible in this brain, whatever is visible in the brain, you are also aware of that and what is not visible, you are also aware, this is consciousness. Consciousness is just knowing, you are also aware of the presence of thoughts and when there are no thoughts, you also know this. Your experience of deep sleep is not a belief or an illusion, your experience of deep sleep is a reality. This body, which is like a mirror, does not see anything on this mirror in deep sleep, still you are aware. In deep sleep you transcend the body and still you are aware. Transcend means that in deep sleep your interest disappears from this body even though you are aware. The root of all our problems is that our focus is always on the material world, sometimes on an expensive bungalow, sometimes on an expensive car, sometimes on power, sometimes on position, sometimes on money. All the time our focus is on fame, power and position, all the time we have been thinking about this, it is the root of all our tensions, if the focus is not on the material world, if we are unaware of the world then we are everywhere. As soon as we see money, all our focus goes there and we keep thinking about money all the time, if we get that money then trouble and if we don't get it then trouble, thus our life is ruined. You are reality, you are in every moment, and it does not require any effort. If you want to get something by doing something, you have to make an effort, where there is effort, there is suffering. Twenty four hours you are thinking about power, position, name and fame, this is stress. In deep sleep, when you transcend the body, then you are consciousness, that is your true self, then you are everywhere, your attention is everywhere in the universe, as soon as you wake up, all focus shifts on this body , the doors of thoughts open and you get bogged down in these thoughts. When you wake up and see the world through the body, think about it, something feels good, something feels bad, sometimes you get success, sometimes you fail, sometimes you feel happy, sometimes you feel sad. If you see things in the world, you will think to get it, if you don't get that thing, you will go into stress. Understand yourself deeply, see whether you are the body or the consciousness. the root of all problems are thoughts, you're running after the thoughts When you become indifferent to these thoughts, being indifferent means whether the thought stays in the brain or goes, it doesn't matter to you, the thought comes or goes, if you are indifferent to that thought, then you are calm. If you give too much importance to the world and forget the truth of yourself, then you will be worried all the time, then there is no way to avoid problems, stress and depression. Inside and outside this body, the entire universe and creation has only consciousness, nothing else. Consciousness is real, everything else is unreal and illusion The body is a collection of senses and recorded memories, senses and recorded memory are within the body and this body is within consciousness. The whole world is existing in this body and this body is existing in consciousness, consciousness needs neither memories nor senses. Consciousness is beyond senses and memories, it does not need anyone to exist, it is everywhere and is the source of the universe. Consciousness cannot be touched by thought, consciousness has no connection with thought. You do not need thought to exist, thought needs you to exist, body needs consciousness to exist, consciousness does not need for a body. Ice needs water to exist, water doesn't need ice to exist, chair or table needs wood to exist, wood doesn't need table or chair to exist, bulb needs light to exist, light does not need bulb to exist. A The foundation of the world is conditioning, we are all trapped in conditioning, conditioning is the cause of all problems.


An old story seeming to be believed in for years without the thought it is gone so it can't be true. The one the thoughts seem to be relating to is not found. What is the 'me' - just a word,thought,memory,concept.











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