Thursday 11 August 2022





The consciousness one brings to death determines his future existence— whether in this world, in a higher world, or in eternity. The weight of error may cause one to recoil in rejection. That recoil itself may suffice to make one fall back into subconsciousness in hope of a healing. The struggles of life may have brought one to a point where he feels a need for rest. This is why many people, in old age, already begin to withdraw from active interest in outwardness. Senility itself, for them, may be a kind of escape. Those who have lived wasted lives may, after a period of rest, suffer “nightmares.” Those who have lived evil lives may wake up in ghastly- seeming circumstances which cause them purgative anguish and even suffering. Those, on the other hand, who have lived virtuous lives may wake up in an astral heaven, and enjoy there for a time the fruits of their goodness. Memories of the past may linger, though less vividly than the people left behind might expect. Sometimes, a person’s departed relatives may come to him in dreams—to give him help, warning, or encouragement.


By virtue of incarnating in a human body you are already an enlightened being. The real question, however, is how conscious are you of that?

There are varying levels of mind/consciousness that each one of us has to pass through on our evolutionary journey of becoming conscious of our “enlightened” status.

This (spiritual) journey is the sole purpose of every human being, whether you realise it or not.

It is the journey from Unconscious Unity to Conscious Unity.

It represents the fall out of unity and the absorption back into unity.

From our conditioned self bound by Time to our unconditioned self free of Time, it is the recognition of our true and eternal nature.

Life can be discerned in two distinct halves...

The first half is that of “becoming”. This half is characterized by separation and identification with the personal self. It represents the act of “leaving home”.

The second half is that of “unfolding”. This half is characterized by unification and identification with the universal self. It represents the act of “returning home”.

Between these two halves is the transition period known as “the period of awakening/enlightenment.” This stage represents the act of “unbecoming” and is a (psychological) dismantling of all that you think you are.

Being born conscious of one’s enlighted state would defeat the very purpose of incarnating in human form.

The truth of who we are can only be known if beliefs of separation are first allowed to propagate.

Without separation, we cannot know the enduring and fundamental Truth of our existence.


NOTE: This answer was inspired by the teachings of Brother John Martin Sahajananda who is a far wiser individual than myself, and who can also be found here on Quora.


Why should we give utmost importance to our minds? Bhagawan lovingly guides us today with a profound message.
Only those who have control over their mind can be called human beings. There are many in this world who are highly educated. There are also many who have mastered various forms of knowledge and are engaged in mighty tasks. But they cannot be called human beings in the true sense of the term if they have no control over their mind. All kinds of good and bad thoughts occur in the mind. Keeping the mind away from all that is bad, you should accept only that which is good. Never allow your mind to associate itself with anything that is bad. We should give utmost importance to the mind. But many people do not give due importance to it. One who considers his mind as the basis of his life is a true human being. One who leaves his mind to its whims and fancies is, in reality, a monkey and not a human being. You should make your mind the centre of your awareness.

- Divine Discourse, May 06, 2007.

He is the beginning of time and the end of infinity. He is Mahadev and is the greatest of all.






Awareness–Ingrained Patterns




Awareness is the essence of healing in that you cannot stimulate your brain to develop in a given direction, unless you know where you are starting from. Awareness is both a tool and foundation for moving forward with your life. There are four patterns of awareness that work for me.


Environmental awareness is placing your attention on a single sensation – taste, touch, sound, temperature, etc. What you are doing is switching sensory input from racing thoughts to another sensation. This is the basis of mindfulness – fully experiencing what you are doing in the moment.

I use an abbreviated version that I call “active meditation,” which is placing my attention on a specific sensory input for 5 to 10 seconds. It is simple and can be done multiple times per day.

Emotional awareness is more challenging. It often works for a while, but then it doesn’t. When you are suppressing feelings of anxiety, your body’s chemistry is still off and full of stress hormones. This translates into physical symptoms.

Allowing yourself to feel all of your emotions is the first step in healing because you can’t change what you can’t feel. Everyone that is alive has anxiety. It is how we survive.

Judgment is a major contributor to creating mental chaos in our lives. Dr. David Burns in his book Feeling Good outlines 10 cognitive distortions that are a core part of our upbringing. Some of them include:

  • Labeling yourself or others
  • “Should” thinking – the essence of perfectionism
  • Focusing on the negative
  • Minimizing the positive
  • Catastrophizing
  • Emotional reasoning

Becoming aware of these errors in thinking allows you to substitute more rational thought patterns.

Ingrained attitudes and thought patterns are problematic. By definition, you cannot see them without actively seeking them out.

Our family interactions in childhood are at the root of how we act as adults. The behaviors we develop over a lifetime of exposure to our environment are what I call ingrained patterns. They stem from our upbringing and the fact that our brain is somewhat “hard-wired” during our formative years. We now know from recent neuroscience research that concepts and attitudes are embedded in our brains as concretely as our perception of a chair or table. I used to say that thoughts are real because they cause neurochemical responses in your body. But they are not reality. I was wrong.

It turns out that your thoughts and ideals are your version of reality. Your current life outlook continues to evolve along your early programming or your “filter.” It is why we become so attached to our politics, religion, belief systems, etc. It is also the reason that humans treat each other so badly based on labels. One example, amongst an endless list, was how we locked up “communists” during the McCarthy era of the 1950’s and 1960’s. It is why so many minority groups are persecuted, but they also often treat each other badly.

It is critical to understand that these are attitudes and behaviors that you cannot see because they are inherent to who you are. It is also maybe the greatest obstacle to people getting along. We are hard-wired enough that we don’t recognize or “feel” these patterns; it’s just what we do. It’s behavior that sits under many layers of defenses and has to be “dug out” by each person. Our family-influenced habits and actions are much more obvious to our spouses and immediate family than they are to us; we can only get in touch with them through counseling, seminars, psychotherapy, self-reflection, spousal feedback, etc. What you are not aware of can and will control you.


Awareness in the operating room

Here is one example from the performance arena while at work. (My wife could give you dozens in the personal arena.) A few years ago, in the operating room I became aware that I consistently started to speed up towards the end of each case. I also realized that over the years, probably 80% of my dural tears (the envelope of tissue containing the neural elements and cerebrospinal fluid) had occurred in the last thirty minutes of a long case. The fatigue factor is an issue, but the speed issue is more critical. I still often didn’t notice that I was speeding up; I needed feedback from my partners or assistants, so I asked them to act as my “coaches.” I’d stop for a few seconds and say, “The difficult part of this case is done. It would be easy for me to relax and hurry to finish. Please speak up if you see me starting to rush.” Every move in spine surgery is critical, so I had to make the choice to consciously slow down. The end of a case is just as important as the beginning and middle. My complication rate dropped dramatically.

This is a brief overview of how awareness plays a role in successfully navigating daily life. It’s something of a paradox in that when one is truly immersed in the moment there are no levels of awareness. It’s just complete “engagement-in-the-present-moment” awareness. There’s many layers to this discussion, but I hope this is a good starting point. Life does become much more interesting.



Three dimensions is how we perceive space. To draw more than this is difficult. But we can! Imagine your 3d paper. You can't have two points in the same space.... AT THE SAME TIME. So, how do you think about the fourth dimension? One can easily think of it as time. So, now you have (x,y,z,t). So, you can have multiple points on the same space, in different times.

Go one dimension further. I can't define any, but let's say it's called i (of incognito). Now, your coordinate system is (x,y,z,t,i). In this coordinate system, you can have points occupying the same poisition in space, at the same time, AS LONG AS THE POSITION IN i IS DIFFERENT. Some people propose this fifth dimension as alternative realities/universes.









What is the opportunity living in a family and with siblings presents us with? What must we learn from thereon? Bhagawan beautifully reminds us today!
When Lakshmana fainted on the battlefield, Rama lamented, "If I were to search in the world, I may get another wife like Sita, a mother like Kausalya, but not a brother like Lakshmana." In this manner, Rama was deeply touched by the fraternal love of Lakshmana and extolled his qualities. There are many families in the world where parents, brothers and sisters have demonstrated great ideals. You don't need to doubt whether such ideal brothers exist even today. They do exist. There may be temporary differences of opinion, but they always love each other. Every man must necessarily make efforts to realise the principle of Atma, which is present in all. The sweetness of the Atmic experience is unparalleled. In the spiritual field, what one has to attain is the experience of Atmic bliss. He, who realises the inherent Divinity in humanity, is a true human being. The Atma has no specific form. It is full of love and bliss. This has to be realised and experienced by every individual.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 17, 2003






It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti

Fear is caused by not accepting the fact of not knowing. It's an ignorance to the present moment. Get comfortable with not knowing, and also with not having much control of anything.

“ I want to be known.. which is the most childish thing in the world”

Desire: Thought: Time As long as we bound with them there will be grief and fear amongst .




Spirituality and psychology have been integrated in recent decades, see Ken Wilber If you don't deal with your shadow and trauma forget about having any meaningful spiritual life




Consciousness will never end, not “your” consciousness.

Consciousness as such is not divided into separate little chunks, one for each human, just like air is not divided into separate little bubbles, one for each human to breathe.

You breathe air, air will never end, but your lungs will, your body will.

You are conscious, consciousness will never end but you - the separate, distinct human self - will.




JK Myself. My self.
That’s the problem. That’s the whole problem with the whole thing. That word, “self.” That’s not the word. That’s not right, that isn’t… That isn’t. How did I forget that? When did I forget that? The body stops, a cell at a time, but the brain keeps firing those neurons. Little lightning bolts, like fireworks inside, and I thought I’d despair or feel afraid, but I don’t feel any of that. None of it. Because I’m too busy. I’m too busy in this moment. Remembering. Of course. I remember that every atom in my body was forged in a star. This matter, this body is mostly just empty space after all, and solid matter? It’s just energy vibrating very slowly and there is no me. There never was. The electrons of my body mingle and dance with the electrons of the ground below me and the air I’m no longer breathing. And I remember, there is no point where any of that ends and I begin. I remember I am energy, not memory. Not self. My name, my personality, my choices, all came after me. I was before them, and I will be after, and everything else is pictures, picked up along the way. Fleeting little dreamlets, printed on the tissue of my dying brain. And I am the lightning that jumps between. I am the energy firing the neurons, and I’m returning. Just by remembering, I’m returning home. And it’s like a drop of water falling back into the ocean, of which it’s always been a part. All things…a part. All of us…a part. You and me. Everyone who’s ever been. Every plant, every animal, every atom, every star, every galaxy, all of it. More galaxies in the universe than grains of sand on the beach. And that is what we’re talking about when we say “God”. The one. The cosmos and its infinite dreams. We are the cosmos dreaming of itself. It’s simply a dream that I think is my life, every time. But I’ll forget this. I always do. I always forget my dreams. But now, in this split second, in this moment I remember, the instant I remember, I comprehend everything at once. There is no time. There is no death. Life is a dream. It’s a wish. Made again and again and again and again and again and again on into eternity. And I am all of it. I am everything. I am all. I am that I am




Since writing this answer in 2019, Dr. Greyson’s book “After” has come out. He goes into a detail explanation of “filters on the brain” in his book from a scientist’s pov. He also refers to them in “Is Consciousness Produced by the Brain?” a YouTube talk filmed in 2011. Filters that block the memory of previous lifetimes as well.

As he notes in the talk, “over 70% of the hospice workers in the UK report their dementia patients having full recovery of their memory just prior to passing.” Dr. Greyson points out that post mortem autopsies showed the brains had atrophied and should not have been able to access that information.

Some children don’t have the filters until the age of 8 (“I see grandpa!”) while others near death lose them (“I see grandma!”). Some mediums don’t have them - can sense, see, hear information others cannot, some can bypass them during an NDE, OBE, using LSD, or with meditation and hypnotherapy.

I’ve been filming people bypassing those filters for over a decade. Examples are in the documentaries FLIPSIDE or HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Amazon Prime. Hope this helps.





JK Dying to the 'me'" ...
Free my will from my ego - from my selfishness... ... "We go right through the red light!" "Be aware of the whole thing consciousness without any trace of discernment... CHOICELESS AWARENESS"







That Rama was always peaceful in mind and spoke softly. He did not react even to the hard words spoken by others.

That Rama, because of his good bent of mind, feels glad even by whatever way a good thing is done to him. He does not remember any number of bad things done to him.

Whenever he finds some time even while practising archery, Rama used to converse with elderly people, elder by way of conduct or wisdom or age or with good- natured people.

Rama was a wise man. He used to speak sweetly. He was the first man to initiate a talk. His speech was compassionate. He was valorous. But he was not arrogant of his mighty valor.

Rama, the tiger among men, along with Lakshmana then caused that wealth to be distributed among the  the children, the old-aged and the DOWNTRODDEN .

RAMA-I do not perceive any other reason than an accident that made Kaikeyi to abolish my coronation , to send me to exile ,and to speak ferocious words ,not to be talked about."

Danta (The unperturbed):


"You have accomplished a highly terrific great feat and my brave soldiers have succumbed beneath your blows. Now, you are weary and in this condition, I shall not put you under the clutches of Death."

"O, King of the Ranger of night! I know you have been tormented in the battle. Go and return to Lanka. Having regained your breath, come back in your chariot with your bow and then standing in your chariot, you will witness once more my prowess."






Vitality of death ... Total emptying of everything I acquired/ learned (phiysical, emotional, psychological, mental ... social...) is the real death freeing my self into the immense vitality Birth begins with death Life begins with death of the attachments Free my will from the ego - selfishness....
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When from the inside, the inner Divine Intelligence demands to forge its way into the fullness of its expression as YOU, we are not equipped for it’s gift.

We still have clingy tendencies of this world, therefore there is a little friction.

Our hearts are like a big rain cloud and when the Sun must shine through, tears fall fast and furious till the cloud is dispersed and we feel the pure light of our own Self.

Go humbly within, ask the Inner Guide with a longing heart to help you. Be a little persistent. Then pause, don’t judge. Feel.

This will all pass and a freeing feeling will come to you.

Carpe Diem!




Beyond Happy. . .
If you have ready The Daily Buddha for any length of time then you are familiar with my approach that happiness isn’t necessarily all that it’s cracked up to be. Or put another way, in terms of one’s overall quality of life, spirit, and degree of personal fulfillment, some things play a much more significant role than feelings of happiness.
In my freshman year of college I read a book that changed my life. It was at the time the most important book that I had ever read, and it continues to be to this day. It’s entitled, Man’s Search for Meaning and it was written in 1946 by the Viennese psychiatrist and neurologist, Viktor Frankl. His life experience in German concentration camps led to some critical thinking.
What Frankl personally witnessed and experienced during his incarceration led him to a conclusion that to this day stands as one of the most succinct and profound statements ever written about the human condition. That is that everything can be taken from a [person] but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.
He claimed that those prisoners who suffered the physical and mental cruelties of the camps and managed to survive also tended to be the ones who sought and found the wherewithal to share the little they had, a comforting word, a crust of bread, or an act of simple kindness with others. Giving to others was of course not a guarantee of survival, but it was a way of sustaining a sense of purpose and meaning in the face of overwhelmingly brutal conditions. Without purpose of meaning, our life spirit diminishes and we become more vulnerable to physical and mental stressors.
While there may be times when the ability to choose to feel happy doesn’t seem available to us, there is never a time in which we lack the ability to choose our attitude. Frankl’s life, more so than his written words, affirms that we all possess the power to make and act on this choice. It was, beyond any fragment of a doubt, a life well-lived.

Peace and Love, Jim




According to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the first three chakras Muladhara, Svadhishtthhana and Manipura represent the gross worldly state of existence.

When the mind moves about in these three chakras only, the person will be predominantly interested only in eating, drinking and sex life. Whatever other worldly faculties or special accomplishments that accompany these three centres will be used for enjoying more and more pleasures of the tongue and the sex organ.

When the mind or the kundalini reaches the Anahata chakra or the heart centre, the person or the sadhaka sees divine light and exclaims, “What's this?! What's this!?” Even after the mind reaches the Anahata chakra, it can come down to the other three lower levels.

When the mind or the kundalini reaches the Vishuddha chakra in the throat, the person or the sadhaka will not be interested in listening to worldly talks. He/she will be interested only in talking about God and spiritual matters. Even the least talk of mundane matters burns the ears!

When the mind or the kundalini reaches the Ajna chakra or the centre in between the two eyebrows, the sadhaka feels as if he/she is one with God. But there will be a very thin veil separating the Jiva from Īshwara. It's like seeing a flame through a crystal clear glass case. Very very close to union but a very very thin separation persists.

What happens when the mind or the kundalini reaches the Sahasrara chakra or the crown centre cannot be described in words…as it represents the union of the individual soul and the Supreme Soul!



Our "negativity bias" means that we spend too much time ruminating over the minor frustrations we experience—bad traffic or a disagreement with a loved one— and ignore the many chances we have to experience wonder, awe, and gratitude throughout the day.

Teachers are the reasons why we got the habit of finding faults in others. Right or wrong , good or bad all started from schooling.

When we receive Bhakti we will be beyond greif, desires, aversion or atachment.








What happens while you are asleep is the same thing that happens to you in death. While you are asleep, you have no sense of your body, or your family, or your worldly affairs. All your cares and worries are forgotten for a while; that is why you enjoy sleeping. If you could not sleep, you would soon become tired and irritable, and it would not be long before you sought help from your doctor to remedy the situation. It is said that one who is very sleepy never thinks of where he is or what he needs. There is no body consciousness; one just sleeps.
~ Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
Excerpt from Freedom from Fear by Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
Just think how it would be to wake up every morning feeling confident and secure, knowing that you have all the skills and talent to deal with whatever lies ahead. Wouldn't it be wonderful to fully live your life free from doubt, free from inhibition, free from imagined disasters, unafraid to joyfully open your mind and heart to others?

'Is it possible?' you may ask. The answer is yes! Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, a great Kriya Yoga Master of our time, tells us all these things and more are possible for one who is free from fear. In Freedom From Fear, Paramahamsaji skillfully examines the various aspects of fear and the disastrous effect it has on our life and the world around us. We learn that fear is the fundamental drive behind many of our daily thoughts and actions. But do not despair - take heart! Fear can be conquered, and in this book the Master tells us how.




Let Kundalini be your guide, but IMHO do not seek to awaken it. This is skipping the steps that you will need in order to have a smoother journey.

Do your work. Learn to meditate. Create and share joy. Take loving care of your body. Work through your trauma. Eat, rest, sleep well. Follow your heart into work that serves your soul purpose. Be of service.

Seek out nature.


Find your space and your silence.

And perhaps one day Kundalini will awaken.(But do not concern yourself with this) If not, it will still be a life well lived.




(7:28) Righteous men, however, their sins expiated, and no longer subject to the oppositions of duality, worship Me steadfastly.
It is noteworthy that already-free souls, even if they come to earth with a mission necessitating a slight assumption of delusion, are always pious and high-minded.
The expression, “righteous men,” need not, of course, indicate souls that are liberated, even though Krishna describes their “sins as having been expiated.” Those with good spiritual karma, also, are usually drawn back soon to the spiritual path, and are born with virtuous tendencies. Nevertheless, the uncertainties accompanying birth in a new body should give everyone a powerful incentive to work hard at finding God now, assuming his circumstances are supportive enough to his underlying desire to know God. What man, indeed, can know what his own future holds?









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