Sunday 21 March 2021






There is no problem at all

I discovered into this profound insight and view back when i was very young and found it very beneficial now.

I found that most of the people living today are always on the seek/chase after a "fix" for something they view as displeasing to them. For people who have a job, they look at their task/work or their needy superior or their annoying co-workers and then view them as a problem- "Ah, see. The problem is this !". For people who are a student at school, they view their lesson or needy teacher or annoying friends as a problem- "Ah, see. The problem is this !". Even for those people who do not have this type of responsibility. They see politics and view them as problem, they see people with poor attitude as a problem, they see their faulty friends as a problem. They're always looking for a way to "fix", always wishing "I wish i can fix this!". And then when they could not find a fix, they resort into blaming "I wish society isn't like this !" , "I wish life isn't like this !" , "I wish God/Angels/Whatever-Fairy-Beings do something about this !". They made a "problem" on theirown.

But if people were just to sit and watch, and view them without any labels or opinions. This "problem" disappears- the faulty friends that they had is not a problem anymore, it's just people who needed to be approached in a different way. And if it is something that you cannot influence, you simply move on because the idea of that there's something that needs a fixing in your mind has been completely obliterated.Just as when you're walking down the road, and suddenly there's a huge tree falling in the middle of your way- you did not see it as a problem, but you just simply took a different approach to be able to walk across.

Whenever you view something as a problem, you have made it your enemy. When you see a problem with nature, you've made nature your enemy- you wished "I wish nature isn't like this!". When you see a problem with your friend, you've made them your enemy- you wished "I wish my friend isn't like this!". This is why it's said that the inability to accept- is the cause of suffering.When you see something as a problem, the problem became You. Terrorists see society as a problem and they became the problem, rude feminists see male as a problem and they became the problem, riots see law as a problem and they became the problem, rude vegans see people who eat meat as a problem and they became the problem.

Nothing will change once you stopped viewing that there is a problem, the dog still barks, the faulty friends will still annoy you, there's still flaw in politics. But you no longer seeking/chasing after a "fix", you no longer see things as something that needs a "fixing".

Note: This post is not made to adopt the view of apathy and ignorant of bad things. That we should let bad things be done without any actions. But it is to be released from the burden of the view that it is a "problem". You then let go of the need to blame, you let go the need to complain- since there's no longer a "problem".
You can still take actions regardless of there is a "problem" or not.
Like for example, when you're hungry and you need to feed yourself- you went and find food but instead of viewing this as a "problem", you view this as a necessity. The body still needs food regardless, but your mind find food without any burden that there is a problem.



Karma is not some invisible justice system.
Karma isnt if I steal someones bike, that someone is going to steal my bike. Karma is that if I steal someones bike I likely find myself within the circumstances for which such behavior happens and am more likely than not to have similar outcomes. Also, while I dont believe this is universal, to me Karma is neither good or bad. Part of the Dharma is the elimination of judgement, and good and bad are rather subjective. Its just cause and effect.

Reincarnation and rebirth are not technically the same thing, but thats another matter, yes rebirth is central to Buddhism.

Karma is equally as essential. The concept that if I think, speak, act out of delusion that it will create ripples.

While these concepts exist in some form in other religions its immaterial if they are a collective string or not. Buddhism only asks that you explore the idea and decide for yourself. The idea of "what goes around comes around" exists in the secular world, so not believing in it seems like a deeper matter than if it exists or not.

Rebirth in my opinion is supported by science. We lived in a closed system. In the physical realm energy is not created or destroyed, it simply changes. So the question is, what is consciousness, and if consciousness exists, then it would seem odd for it to operate in a way that was removed from the natural law. I do not become me in another body, that is reincarnation and requires an unchanging soul. Buddhism specifically doesn't present this, but rather that the string of consciousness, the karma, continues, like a wave. Not like particles.



Instead of mastering yourself, Buddhism often summarizes it's teaching as:

Cultivate the wholesome, purify the unwholesome, train the mind.


At the individual level Swaraj is vitally connected with the capacity for dispassionate self-assessment, ceaseless self-purification and growing self-reliance.… It is Swaraj when we learn to rule ourselves. —Mahatma Gandhi, Young India, June 28, 1928, p. 772





I want to start with Adi Guru Shankaracharya Quote,

Brahm Satyam, Jagat Mithya (Brahm is truth, this world is an illusion)

This is one of the fact which I encountered ever and it really shook me.

We will die, we will get birth. Currently, you are born in a particular religion or practicing such customs. In another birth, you will get different religion, different people, different parents.

Nothing is new, nothing is permanent, only body has been changed, but we are same.

We all have come here, just to be a part of Leela.

Some transcends it early, some take years, some take births and finally we get liberation from this Leela and get merge with this cosmos.


Nirvana names the transcendent and singularly ineffable freedom that stands as the final goal of all the Dharma teachings.

Defined in terms of what it is...

"This is peace, this is exquisite – the resolution of all fabrications, the relinquishment of all acquisitions, the ending of craving; dispassion; cessation; Nirvana." (AN 3.32)

...and in terms of what it is not

"There is that dimension where there is neither earth, nor water, nor fire, nor wind; neither dimension of the infinitude of space, nor dimension of the infinitude of consciousness, nor dimension of nothingness, nor dimension of neither perception nor non-perception; neither this world, nor the next world, nor sun, nor moon. And there, I say, there is neither coming, nor going, nor stasis; neither passing away nor arising: without stance, without foundation, without support [mental object]. This, just this, is the end of suffering." (Ud 8.1)


Hello, I think you are a wise person who tries to figure out our lives' fundamental question😀. Also, I'm happy that I can share the answer to your question. I am going to share my experience as a meditator.

First, I want to share excerpts from teacher Woomyung's book;

A complete life is one in which man does not live based on greed.

A complete life is one simply lived according to the flow of Nature.

When a man lives his life in non-existence, he will become others, and so naturally, all conflicts would disappear; man would live a life that is of Nature's flow, and he would be able to live decently.

How can we live like these words?

First of all, we should know why do we suffer? where all the suffering come from?

  • I've personally got the answer through meditation; all human suffering comes from the mind that they've accumulated with their perspective.
  • when the world doesn't fit their standards and expectations, they usually suffer because things don't go as planned.

By chance, l started meditation and l could get an answer through it🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️.

This is what my meditation guide taught me.

  • Human is living in one's mind world, which accumulated from a life lived. Because we have individual minds inside us, that is why we couldn't live as one with the world, and that's why we suffer.
  • When you discard your mind, you can recover your true mind within. And then, eventually, we can live by nature's flow. We can live well without suffering.

It made sense to me, so I tried to discard my mind diligently through the meditation method; what I had done there is to reflect on myself and discard my mind step by step.

through meditation, what I've realized was💡💡,

  1. I was selfish person. and I had many standards, and I have judged others and the world with my standard all the time. that's why I was not happy. I couldn't see myself doing it before meditation. but now I see how much I have lost in my mind.
  2. I felt so much lighter and found true peace within.
  3. I could be thankful for everything rather than judging and complaining about people and situations.
  4. I found the true mind that I originally have.
  5. I could know all the principles of the world. And found the right answer to what the true meaning of the world is.

I'm thankful for the method so that I can live with a true mind🌿. Everything that seemed wrong is because of my mind; when I got out of my human mind world, I could find the true mind within me to live without suffering✨.

I hope you can also be free from suffering and find your true happiness. I'll share the video to help you more. Thank you for reading this. Good luck.🌈.



But you don’t have to wait for a major event to happen so that you can live your life.

Be aware. Be present.

Look for the lessons life is teaching you every day.

Stuck in traffic. Practice patience.

Angry at your manager. Practice kindness.

Afraid of a dark corner of your room. Practice being courageous.








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